Alpha Chi’s Book Worms

Writer: Sarah S. Photographer: Zoey G. Editor: Ariana W. and Grace C.

Joining a Panhellenic chapter on campus opens all kinds of doors for their members. For Alpha Chi Omega (ACHIO) in particular, wanting to take on a leadership role as seniors, Marin S. and Sydnie R. decided to start a book club. Their love for reading made a comeback this past summer when they started listening to audiobooks together. One series in particular that brought them closer together and inspired them to make the dream of the club a reality was A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. After studying and living together abroad Freshman year, the two have been attached at the hip and roommates ever since. Being super close, they were able to bounce ideas off each other and tag team the responsibility of leading and hosting the club. 

After posting on their Instagrams about the books they were enjoying, some members of their chapter would engage with them asking for recommendations and if they liked the book one of their friends were even reading the same books and wanted to chat about them.

This gave Marin and Sydnie an idea to start the club when they got back to school. They announced the idea at a chapter meeting and got a group together. They started a group chat for people to make book suggestions and they would collectively vote for the one they would read that month. As well as voting on the book, they would suggest and vote on days and times during their busy weeks that they could meet to debrief them. This gives the women a sense of voice and opinion, knowing they have the ability to help choose what they will read as a group. Books like It Ends With Us, Whispers and Roars, 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, The Hating Game, and Sharp Objects have all been read and discussed so far. 

Meeting once a month has allowed the members enough time to read the books and be able to debrief them at the meetings over snacks and conversation. Marin thinks the most challenging part of book club is finding a time to meet. There are currently 60 members in the club, but only around 20 members who are able to find free time in their busy schedules to make it to the meetings.

A nickname coined by a new member of ACHIO, Sydnie is known as Miss Book Club. She and Sydnie both love the social aspect of getting everyone together and think it's super special to share this interest. Even members, like former President Gaby P., who have graduated are still in the group chat to stay connected and give recommendations for future reads. 

Mary May, a new member in ACHIO, expressed her love for the book club. She said, “I loved meeting all the new girls in it that I normally wouldn’t talk to mainly because we are in different grades! I’ve always loved to read, but none of my friends ever did, so finding this club and then having women who also love to read and talk about it has really made my year!” Her favorite part is when others have the same opinions and viewpoints on a book, finding this commonality makes it easier for her to share what she really thought about the book. Marin agrees with Mary May that it has been amazing to meet other members and make connections with women who they might not have interacted with in the chapter otherwise. 

Marin wants the book club to be as inclusive as possible. She does this by announcing it in chapter meetings every week! She loves having new people come to share new ideas or pop in to meet and get to know other members. The bonds made in book club create friendships that will last past graduation. 

Sydnie also made a cool connection through their first read as a group, It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover. Without spoiling, she says the book is about an abusive relationship from the perspective of the victim. This story helped them understand both sides to a relationship undergoing abuse and gain perspective. It also stirred up talk and awareness about their philanthropy, which is Domestic Violence Awareness. Their benefactor is The Refuge Center here in Tallahassee. By reading and talking about this book, the women of ACHIO were able to gain a better understanding of who and why they are raising money and awareness for.

ACHIO’s success with their book club definitely creates a positive environment within their chapter. By bringing women together as a community to read, it builds authentic relationships that other chapters might see, making them want to start a book club of their own! What a great idea Marin and Sydnie had for ACHIO!


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