2025 Panhellenic Executive Board


Alexa H.

Have overall responsibility for the operation of the Panhellenic Association

Oversee the Panhellenic Executive Board, President’s Council, and all respective constituent groups

Serve as a representation and liaison of the Panhellenic Association to other councils, university administration, and the public.

Contact at: president@floridastateph.com

Gwyneth S.
Vice President of Executive Affairs

Serve as Chair of the Panhellenic Judicial Board, receive all infractions, and coordinate judicial board proceedings

Oversee chapters’ risk management chairs and social chairs to ensure positive risk management behaviors

Coordinate Panhellenic Executive Board elections and review Panhellenic Bylaws

Meet with new member educators regularly to help with new member curriculum and education

Contact at: execaffairs@floridastateph.com

Savannah J.
Vice President of Finance

Prepare an annual budget and maintain updated financial records

Coordinate all Panhellenic scholarship applications and facilitate selection process

Meet with the Panhellenic accountant to file taxes

Contact at: finance@floridastateph.com

Lucie Grace L. Vice President of Membership

Plan, implement, and evaluate all recruitment activities for all chapters

Oversee the Panhellenic recruitment staff and chapter recruitment chairs

Plan, implement, and evaluate all presentations made to Potential New Members, their parents, and any other interested parties.

Contact at: membership@floridastateph.com


Annalise B.
Vice President of Panhellenic Affairs

Promote positive internal relations within the Panhellenic Association at FSU

Supervise, plan, and implement regular programming for the Panhellenic Delegates, Junior Delegates, and CORE

Update the Panhellenic Delegate manual

Work in conjunction with the VP Executive Affairs to update and revise the Panhellenic Bylaws

Contact at: panhellenic@floridastateph.com

Ravina P.
Vice President of Programming

Oversee the planning, implementation, and evaluation of all programs of the Panhellenic Association

Supervise all Panhellenic community service projects and proposals

Contact at: programming@floridastateph.com

Kara A.
Vice President of Public Relations

Responsible for all public relations efforts including, but not limited to, press releases, website, newsletter, social media, and all other marketing tools

Oversees the Panhellenic magazine, Philia, and its team

Responsible for the design of all Panhellenic merchandise

Contact at: publicrelations@floridastateph.com

Emma C.
Vice President of Community Affairs

Maintain a complete, updated file which will include the minutes of the meetings, all resolutions, copies of all contracts, and current correspondence of the Panhellenic Association

Produce and distribute an agenda before each Panhellenic meeting, and meeting minutes after each Panhellenic meeting

Meet with Philanthropy chairs regularly and manage dates for all Panhellenic organizations’ Philanthropy events

Compile and manage the Panhellenic calendar and each semester

Make all arrangements for the FSU delegation at SGLA

Contact at: community@floridastateph.com