Recruitment week is truly a week like none other and can be incredibly exciting for the women going through the process. With recruitment week, there often is also a great deal of emotion that comes with going through the process. Whether you are a member of a Greek organization yourself or are being newly introduced to the Panhellenic community, it is important to understand that the recruitment process is different for everyone and that your student might need a little extra support from you during this time. 

By getting some more information, context, and tips for support, we hope to provide you with great ways to be able to be there for your loved one throughout the process. Make sure to check out the rest of the information on this website - it will help answer some questions you might have! The most important thing about supporting your loved one as she goes through the recruitment process is helping her to process through her emotions and thoughts to make the best decision for her. 

 Things to remember:

  • There will be times during recruitment when cell phones are not permitted. She won’t have her phone on her during the events she is participating in, and while she’s making selection decisions after each round she will not be able to communicate with others. Check in on her, but have patience if she takes a bit to respond!

  • These will be long days, so please understand that your loved ones might be tired. Encourage your student to get as much sleep as she can and to work to keep her body healthy by eating full meals and drinking plenty of water.

  • Please be sure to keep an open mind when speaking with your loved one going through recruitment, as they are most likely experiencing a variety of emotions and simply need help processing them. Ask them open ended questions and let them tell you about their days.

  • Taking the time to understand what the week of recruitment might look like can be beneficial to both you and your loved one. We have some schedule overviews in this online guide, and your loved one will get more detailed, personalized schedules for herself each day of recruitment.

  • Please keep in mind that Greek life is different at all schools, and has changed a great deal over the years. Your loved one’s recruitment experience could be incredibly different from those in the past. If you went through a recruitment process or were a member of a fraternity or sorority during your college years, remember that sharing chapter stereotypes or decades-old opinions about the community might cause more harm than good when your loved one is making her own membership decisions.

  • Take the time to discuss the financial responsibilities that come with joining a Panhellenic chapter with your loved one, as that can play a great role in their recruitment process.

 Conversation Topics and Questions to Ask During the Week of Recruitment:

  • How are you feeling about recruitment thus far? 

  • What have been some of your favorite moments thus far? 

  • Tell me about some of the conversations you’ve had in the chapters you’re visiting.

  • Have you spoken to your recruitment counselor? What things has the recruitment counselor said that stand out to you about the recruitment process?

  • Are you taking care of yourself? Have you planned the times you’ll be able to eat meals and take water breaks throughout the day?

  • Which chapters are you feeling the most connected to at the moment? 

  • How will the chapters that you’re excited about work to develop you into a better student/leader/woman?