Why join a Panhellenic Sorority at Florida State?

We know you've probably heard some generic reasons to join a sorority, however, we wanted to share some personal experiences from actual women in our community.

Read what our members have gained from joining a Panhellenic chapter!

Below, you will find stories from some of the women in our community focused on their experiences with leadership, academics, sisterhood, and wellness, as well as a favorite memory or two.

Click the icons below to read their experiences and discover the impact this community can have on you.

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  • Dara C. - "What Panhellenic means to me is my best friends and true friendship. Joining this community was one of the best decisions I have ever made because of the genuine bonds and connections I’ve made with women across every chapter. No matter what chapter you join, Panhellenic women are always there to unite, uplift, and motivate you in any situation!"
  • Hannah X. - "I’ve found my best friends and people who I want to spend all of my time with. My littles have given me such joy and instantly became some of the closest people I have. Sisterhood means being able to count on the people around you and it was proven to me early on when I was stuck and needed a ride late at night. One of my sisters was able to help me out and to this day we still reminisce on that night when we talked in her car for a long time."
  • Madison S. - "My chapter has shown me what true sisterhood feels like with my little sister. She has motivated me to be the best big sister, leader, confidant, and student, redefining my purpose on campus. Sisterhood starts in your collegiate years and doesn’t end after senior year, as it only fosters opportunity, connections, and friendships that will last forever."

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  • Abby W. - "Ever since I was a new member I felt a passion for the Panhellenic community and wanted to make a change. I started off as my chapters junior Panhellenic Delegate where I took emerging leaders and participated in CORE to learn more about the community and what I could do to make a difference. I am now my chapters Panhellenic Delegate and I have worked so hard to increase my chapters relationships with the other chapters and councils, so they can love the community as much as I do. From being involved with Panhellenic I have had the opportunity to attend various leadership retreats and conferences such as LeaderShape, New Member Institute, Persist and Southeastern Greek Leadership Association. These conferences all taught me how to be more confident in myself was a leader, along with many other skills like effective communication and organization. I have used everything I have learned from these trips in my roles, which has made me a much better leader."
  • Claudia L. - "Panhellenic has provided me with ample opportunities to grow as a leader. I have made some of my closest friends while also learning a lot about what I value in myself and others. As a freshman, Panhellenic provided leadership programs such as CORE along with others that have shown me how to communicate, lead, and be a better person as a whole. These opportunities have encouraged me to run for positions within my chapter, as I currently serve on its executive board, and has led me to participate and lead within the Florida State community. This community had provided me with memories and friends that will last a lifetime."
  • Margaret P. - "Before joining Panhellenic I never looked at myself as a leader. I was more reserved and was content to watch as others took leading roles. It was not until I joined this community that I had the support and confidence to try for leadership positions. Not only did the Panhellenic Community give me a group of sisters who supported me and helped me gain the confidence to be a leader in my chapter, but they also have provided resources to develop myself and my skills."
  • Ellie O. - "Being a Panhellenic Delegate for my chapter has allowed me to make personal connections with women from each chapter and to see another side of the Panhellenic community. Starting off as a Junior Delegate, I was intimidated and nervous I wouldn’t know enough or be left in the dark — and I couldn’t have been more wrong. Growing from Junior to Panhellenic Delegate, being surrounded by a group of empowering women is so uplifting and the highlight of my week. Seeing the friendships grow along the way has also been one of my favorite parts and will be long lasting even past our time as delegates."

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  • Emma H. - "My chapter has supported me academically in many ways. As a new member, I was connected with older women from my major, and I was able to ask questions and make connections early on. I also learned about the FSU Autism Institute through one of my sisters, and she helped me get my job as a researcher at the FSU College of Medicine to learn more about the field of Abnormal Psychology. It has been an integral part of my college experience and helped me discover my passion for working with children."
  • Haley T. - "It can be extremely intimidating walking into a class of 500 people. I never take for granted the network of women I have through Panhellenic when I am so easily able to introduce myself and make a friend in an intimidating setting. I met one of my best friends in my freshman year business calculus class because I noticed she was wearing a panhellenic shirt, so I decided to go up and introduce myself. This not only made the class less intimating but also was the beginning of a deeper friendship I value greatly to this day. Within my chapter, each new member has a mentor of the same major and goals. This, along with “major GroupMe’s,” are just a couple of the academic resources available to me through my chapter and Panhellenic"

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  • Blake N. - "My chapter has given me amazing things. Lifelong friendships, incredible opportunities, and memories I will never forget, but most importantly, it has shaped me into the woman I am today. My sisters, and the whole Panhellenic community, push me to become the best version of myself. From Panhellenic study nights to movie nights in the house, I have found a support system that has allowed me to grow and prosper over the past 3 years!"
  • Hannah C. - "In my time as a member of the Panhellenic community, I have become far more than I dreamt for myself as an incoming first-year student at Florida State University. Our community’s commitment to equipping women with tools and support for academic, emotional, and relational success has undoubtedly served as my main source of encouragement as I pursue leadership opportunities on and off FSU’s campus. While Panhellenic inspires me to seek the heights as an individual and community member, the importance of self-care and mental wellbeing is never diminished, which motivates me to prioritize my personal wellbeing amidst the trials of collegiate life. Panhellenic women are diverse in their interests, talents, and identities, but common in their commitment to empowerment, authenticity, and community enrichment. I am forever thankful for the tremendous impact of this community."
  • Bella M. - "Wellness as a Panhellenic woman means checking in on those around you and on yourself. When I joined the Panhellenic community as a freshman, I had no clue what was in store for me, all of a sudden I had 250 women who where my “sisters” and a whole community on campus. Being in my chapter today, I have had time to reflect on how difficult it was to adjust to college and being in a sorority at the same time. I wish that I had focused more on my personal wellness. Flashing forward a few years, I now serve as the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for my chapter. Being in this position I have been able to reflect on some of the ways that we implement wellness and belonging in our community, and ways to make it better for all members. My chapter has implemented many activities to help with our overall wellness, whether it’s yoga on our lawn, having a bad day book, or everyone just constantly reassuring that we are here for one another. Wellness is so important because we must first start with ourselves if we want to be the best leaders, friends, and sisters in our community "

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  • Isa B. - "My all time favorite Panhellenic memory is easily being a writer for Philia, the offical publication of Panhellenic. I didn’t realize just how rewarding this experience would be until I met women from different chapters and learned more about their sisterhood! It made me notice just how much smaller and tight-knit the school feels being in this community since, whether I am out and about or in class, I find a way to see a Panhellenic sister. For my first article I was bursting with joy when I interviewed a woman from Miami, Florida that went to my high school, is studying cell and molecular neuroscience, and has the same career path as me! Likewise, I found it cool and exciting to debunk the “sorority woman” stereotype that the media often portrays since I met women who are either studying for the MCAT or hold their own small businesses! Overall, though, being on Philia has introduced me to so many strong-willed and creative women I don’t think I would have met had I not joined Greek Life. Highlighting their unique and skilled personalities is what makes Panhellenic thrive. It has also made me more confident in my writing abilities as I can now articulate my ideas with much more ease. Nevertheless, although there are seventeen different Panhellenic chapters on campus, this experience made me realize that we are so much more alike than we are different as we hold similar values, ultimately making this community a strong support system within Florida State University."
  • Amanda G. - "One of my favorite memories was running back to my chapter on Bid Day. After a week of being a recruitment counselor, I was so proud of all the hard work that our community put into formal recruitment. I made some amazing new friends, learned about our community, and helped my potential new members find their forever homes. After my group received their bids, I got on the bus with my chapter's newest recruits and made my way back to the house. I am not much of a crier, but as soon as I got off the bus I burst into hysterical tears. I was immediately surrounded by my closest friends, who I hadn't seen or spoken to in a week. They surprised me with a giant cardboard cutout of my face and sweet signs welcoming me back to my chapter. I was overwhelmed with love, happiness, and sisterhood. I have never in my life felt so happy to be home."
  • Ellie O. - "Going through the Recruitment Counselor Program has been one of the most memorable experiences in Panhellenic solely based on the amount of friends I have gained from the start of class. Bonding with the amazing women in my group and my team leader at the retreat was such an impactful time and helped me grow stronger with such a large, yet tight-knit community. Even if it’s seeing a friendly face in passing on legacy walk or grabbing coffee to catch up because the two and a half hour class just wasn’t enough time together, you can always find a Panhellenic friend on campus."

Joining a sorority is a big decision.