Mr.HeartThrob Philanthropic Pageant Event

Writer, Graphics: Savannah T. / Chapter Submitted Photos


The leading cause of death for women in the United States is heart disease. Since 1946, the sisters of Alpha Phi have aided in the fight against heart disease with their national philanthropy , the Alpha Phi Foundation. Foundation donations go directly towards the study of heart disease symptoms, treatment, and prevention in women as well as support programs for women diagnosed with heart disease and their families. To aid in the fight, the sisters of the Gamma Phi chapter of Alpha Phi at FSU introduced a new philanthropy event this past spring titled Mr.HeartThrob.

“Mr. HeartThrob was a male pageant competition with the categories of introductions, talent, and Q&A. All of the contestants were great and made for an entertaining night,” says the Alpha Phi Philanthropy Chair, Erica W. “The scores were based majorly on how much money each contestant raised for Women’s Heart Health, as well as how they performed during the competition. After the last category of the pageant concluded, the judges scored were tallied and we crowned our Mr. HeartThrob.”

Inspired by similar philanthropy events being put on by other Alpha Phi chapters, Erica wanted to have a spring philanthropy event that would bring in members of the greater Seminole community. Her philanthropy team and chapter advisor supported and helped with planning the event. The chapter advisor helped Erica and her team brainstorm a list to ensure the event would run smoothly and provided additional feedback in the planning process. Meanwhile, the philanthropy team spent countless hours and several late nights planning and perfecting the event.


“Planning for this event was a bit difficult,” says Camryn D., a member of the Alpha Phi philanthropy team. “Once we had all agreed on Mr. Heart Throb, we began compiling a list of things that we would need to have and get done. Once we had [Panhellenic’s approval], we continued down our to-do list. Our previous event was held at our house, however, with Mr. HeartThrob a venue would be needed. Once we had found a venue, smaller details like decorations and set up were easy to figure out. Next, we focused on marketing the event and reaching to organizations that would possibly give us contestants. The remaining pieces of planning seemed to be more tedious because it focused on making sure all the music for talents portions were in order, all the contestants were on time, chairs were set up along with making sure our sisters were at the door checking people in. Overall, the planning for this event was difficult, but that was more so due to never having planned this event before.

As Camryn pointed out, planning an entirely new philanthropy event can be quite a challenge. Erica reported that, while they had other Alpha Phi chapters to model their Mr.HeartThrob event off of, planning and organizing an entirely new event that would suit their specific chapter was “overwhelming at times.” However big of a challenge that might have been, the reward of seeing her chapter come together and dedicate hard work to the event that fostered excitement in every attendee made all of her hard work worth it.

“I think this event affected my chapter by reigniting a love for our philanthropy through the excitement of a new philanthropy event,” says Erica. “I think Mr. HeartThrob affected the FSU community by introducing more students to our philanthropy.”


Echoing Erica’s sentiment, Camryn felt like Mr.HeartThrob brought her closer to their philanthropy. She and her fellow sisters visited and volunteered at the Tallahassee Memorial Heart and Vascular Center, which is their chapter's local partner. The sisters of Alpha Phi have developed a relationship with the local healthcare workers through this partnership, which allows the sisters to feel a direct connection to heart disease. Additionally, hearing and seeing how the money they raise is used to save lives ignites Erica’s passion and dedication towards her philanthropy team.

“Hearing what the money raised from our events goes to and understanding how it can truly save lives is amazing,” says Erica. “Taking a role on to help with Mr. HeartThrob allowed me to make a deeper connection not only with other sisters at my chapter and others but also with the impact we are making within our community and our International’s Foundation.”

Prior to the event, the Panhellenic Executive board offered advice and support for the new Alpha Phi event. On the day of Mr.HeartThrob, sisters throughout the greater Panhellenic community came out to show their support for Alpha Phi and their crusade against women's heart disease. The event was a success and helped raise over $15,000 and awareness for women's heart disease in an innovative way. 

“Our chapter had a lot of fun at this event and I hope Mr. HeartThrob does become an annual event!” says Erica.


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