A Bond Only Sister’s Have

Writer: Hannah A. / Photographer: Shayla L. / Graphics: Savannah T.


Sisterhood events are one of the most effective ways to connect chapter members. Whether through elaborate trips to nearby cities or through simple get-togethers like Monday Bachelor nights, there are endless ways to create the building blocks of sisterhood and strengthen each chapter as a whole. Philia recently sat down with Alpha Omicron Pi’s VP of Chapter Development, Lauren P., to discuss the nitty-gritty details behind bringing her sisterhood closer and maintaining that impactful bond. 

As VP of Chapter Development, Lauren leads the planning and execution process for all AOII sisterhood events and activities, including sister of the month, chapter trips, and parent’s weekend. Each of these events stands as a way for the women of AOII to take time out of their busy schedules and learn more about each other, potentially bonding with someone they may have never bonded with otherwise. 


For her first event within the position, Lauren took a more sentimental route and planned a trip to the roller rink. The location was inspired by Lauren’s first sisterhood event as a new member. The roller rink presented a rare opportunity for everyone to let their guard down and simply be themselves. Looking back on her new member experience, Lauren recalls, “[The roller rink] was where I made the most friends because it was embarrassing for everyone when they fell, which made the entire group grow closer.” 

To make matters better, this event just so happened to fall shortly after spring recruitment, giving new members the perfect chance to bond with older members of the chapter.  “When I was a new member, I tended to be closed off and was scared to meet new people. These events helped me let go a little bit,” says Katharine M., a fellow sister of Alpha Omicron Pi. 


Planning multiple, well-executed events throughout the year does not come without its challenges. To maintain an effective schedule and increase event engagement, Lauren plans sisterhood events a semester in advance and uses the help of her committee to bring her ideas to life. When asked why she puts so much time and talent into this role, Lauren expresses she does it to make each woman feel a sense of strength within their chapter, saying, “Seeing how happy the women remind me of why I love my position so much.” 

Sisterhood events come in all shapes and sizes. No matter how big or small, these events lend sisters an opportunity to meet a new member, strengthen a friendship, and make memories that last a lifetime.


Writing Director of Strike Magazine


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