Let’s get Phit!

Writer: Rachel B. / Editor and Graphic Designer: Savannah T. / Photos submitted by Chapter

With the sudden addition of COVID-19, a lot of the Panhellenic community has changed this year, but philanthropy has not. Philanthropy has remained a constant pillar in Pi Beta Phi’s sisterhood, regardless of the circumstances. This year, Pi Phi put on their first virtual philanthropy event, Pi Beta Phit. Pi Beta Phit was a Zoom workout class hosted by one of Pi Phi’s own Alumna. This philanthropy raised money for their national philanthropy, Read>Lead>Achieve. 

There is a lot of planning and difficulty that comes with planning a virtual event. Pi Beta Phit was no different. It involved many moving parts and willing people to step up to the plate. Caroline S., the Vice President of Community Relations and Katie F., the Director of Service and Philanthropy, were responsible for the success of this event. Both took much time to brainstorm, coordinate, and plan in order to make this philanthropy happen. 

“Katie and I discussed ways that we could earn support from FSU students as well as our alumni and parents. We thought a virtual yoga event would be very beneficial and bring in many participants. Especially during the pandemic, people are looking to get active and we thought doing this through Zoom would allow us to do this.” Caroline shared. 

The general overview of Pi Beta Phit included a one hour virtual yoga event taught by one of their Alumnas, Yasmeen J. It was hosted on Zoom and had about 300 attendees in total. Pi Phi sold tickets for $7 to benefit their philanthropy. 

Pi Phi raised money for their philanthropy, Read>Lead>Achieve which supports literacy. One in four children are unable to read, so through this philanthropy, they are able to help purchase books and provide children with the necessary tools to be able to learn something that many of us have taken for granted. This philanthropy is so meaningful to the women of Pi Phi and they were excited to contribute from afar through their ticket sales. 

Sisters of Pi Phi were able to get involved in the event through their ticket sales. They sold tickets to their friends and family. They also “came” to the event virtually. Some of the sisters even met up on campus and participated in the event together. Even though every sister could not be physically together, they were able to come together virtually and still create that special connection.

Ava L., a sister of Pi Phi, said, “To be involved in a virtual philanthropy event was definitely more interesting than in person, and a bit more challenging to not be able to be with everyone in person! However, a moment that I liked best was to see everyone’s yoga poses, or their own version of the yoga pose.” 

Finding these small moments to share with sisters while raising money for an important cause is what matters most to the sisters of Pi Beta Phi. COVID-19 could have stopped these women from supporting their philanthropy, but through the diligent planning and execution, these women were able to to come together and create a safe philanthropy for the community to enjoy.


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