Real. Strong. Women.

Writer: Ilana S. / Editor: Savannah T. / Photo Editor: Olivia E. / Photos submitted by chapter

After a very long hiatus from in-person events, Alpha Chi Omega was able to do something special for not only their members, but the great women that gave them life. Mom’s weekend, a sorority staple, took place at Alpha Chi Omega from February 19th through the 21st and was one of the chapter’s first in person events of this school year. 

To ensure they were being all inclusive and recognizing all of the brave, honest, and beautiful women that are fortunate enough to be parental figures for the members of Alpha Chi Omega, the tagline for the weekend was deemed “Real. Strong. Women. Weekend.” Organizer and Vice President of Membership Programming, Ayva O., explained that the theme was set in place to recognize that not every sister has a normalized mother-daughter relationship, and to be sensitive to any sisters that are in that position by giving them an option to bring any maternal figure they see as a real strong woman. She further elaborated and said, “The women that raised or helped raise the women of AXO are truly amazing. They truly deserve to be loved and shown how appreciative we are of their daughters, sisters, granddaughters.” 

This weekend was a challenge for Ayva to put together as this was an event unlike any in the past. Due to the current state of the world, plans for the weekend needed to be carefully thought out and meticulously planned so that everyone would be able to safely participate while still getting that sense of chapter community. To do this, Ayva planned a brunch at the house, to promote a sense of community within Alpha Chi Omega. 

Some of the events that were held included picnics at two beautiful outdoor locations, a brunch outside their chapter facility, an opportunity for members to get mani-pedis with their guests, and a virtual cooking class. “On Friday, we encouraged members and guests to support local businesses, as we know many in our community are struggling due to the pandemic. On Saturday, This format was an excellent way to get the Moms in town, seeing the house and campus, and being able to enjoy time with their daughters in some of Tallahassee’s premier locations.”

New sister, Haley S. Said “I am so grateful Alpha Chi Omega held Real. Strong. Women Weekend! I was able to show my mom and sister a new big piece of my life at Florida State.” She and her guests participated in the virtual workshop and the house brunch and had a very positive experience and felt that this was a great way to include their material figure in their sorority life during the pandemic. Haley’s Mom, Lucy S., explained that the attention to COVID-19 safety precautions were part of what made this weekend so amazing and welcoming to the sister’s guests, “AXO did a great job making everyone feel safe with social distancing and masks.”

Another sister, Piper H., is the Family Relations chair at Alpha Chi Omega and had a great experience not only celebrating the confident women in her life, but helping organize this weekend to help her fellow sisters celebrate the women that are supportive to them in their lives, “This is my first year with AXO and meeting all the real strong women in my sisters lives was so heartwarming and I am glad I was able to help plan a fun weekend for everyone.” Piper’s Mom, Katie H., also showed her appreciation and excitement for her ability to meet her sisters mothers through the weekend of events that she attended. Katie said, “I loved the weekend and am so happy I was able to meet all of Piper’s friends and their moms!” 

Female empowerment is such an enormous part of our Panhellenic community and through this weekend chalked full of events, Alpha Chi Omega and Ayva were able to truly embody this. Ayva had a great time planning this weekend while allowing her sisters and their guests to show their appreciation to the people they admire most. Ayva said, “This weekend allows us to show our love and appreciation while creating opportunities for lifelong memories.” 

The concept behind the Real. Strong. Women. Weekend events have only enhanced Ayva’s experience with her chapter and their sisters. Ayva said, “I have and continue to be inspired and challenged to new heights by these women. They are each truly Real. Strong. Women. Each in their own way.” 

Being a Real Strong Woman is something all can aspire to be and Alpha Chi Omega is breaking boundaries by updating the typical Mom’s weekend to be all inclusive and celebrate the powerful women that inspire them to be Real Strong Women.


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