Scholarship Among Sisterhood
Author: Hannah C. / Editor: Ariana W. / Photos: Chapter Provided
At the Gamma Beta chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta (Alpha Gam), a commitment to scholarship enriches their loving, leading, and lasting sisterhood. Through various initiatives designed to encourage academic engagement, their sisters strive for scholastic achievement.
As the Director of Academic Achievement and academic committee member, Mallory V. is also passionate about scholarship. “Personally, academics have always been important to me. When joining a sorority, I was scared to balance school and sorority life,” Mallory shares. Despite her initial concerns, she quickly realized that Alpha Gam encouraged her academic success. As a member of the academic committee, Mallory dedicates herself to continuing that encouragement and making sisters “feel recognized and seen.”
“We’re all students, but we’re all Alpha Gams,” says Mallory. “By trying to merge the two worlds, I can help others balance academics and sorority life.”
Many sisters use the skills they learn from Gamma Sisters and academic events to succeed in their courses. In turn, the Academic Excellence Committee encouraged the academic success of her sisters, the Academic Excellence committee developed several engaging and continuous initiatives. Each week, the academic committee chooses to recognize a “Scholarly Sister.” Members submit their weekly academic accomplishments, and the committee chooses an achievement to recognize a chapter meeting and awards the chosen sister with a prize. In addition, to honor their Chapter Founders’ commitment to scholarly success, Alpha Gam hosts a semesterly “Marguerite Shepard” dinner for sisters who have reached their academic goals and achieved a high GPA. Not only does this initiative honor their Founders, but celebrates the successes of current collegiate members. At this dinner, sisters are inducted into the Alpha Gamma Delta honor societies: Red, Buff, and Green to celebrate sisters who achieved a high GPA. The Academic Excellence team also recognizes individual sisters, such as the New Member with the highest GPA, at the celebratory dinner.
Academic excellence is a cornerstone of sorority membership; however, commitment to one’s scholarly achievement can directly impact their connection to a sisterhood. Whether sisters get coffee together or sit down to study at lunch, Alpha Gam sisters use their academic engagement to engage with one another. Through their dedication to academic interest, Alpha Gamma Delta establishes themselves as inspiring sisters who will impact the world.