Skate World Sisterhood

Writer: Caroline M. / Editor: Savannah T. / Photo Editor: Olivia E. / Photos submitted by chapter

Sisterhood is one of the key pillars for all sororities. It is something that is highly valued and many sisters, like Isabella F. and Payton L. from Zeta Tau Alpha, work to facilitate within their chapter. Many chapters, like Zeta Tau Alpha, even hold events to foster sisterhood and help their members reach out to those they might not have otherwise, or participate in activities they might not have otherwise. 

In January, the sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha held a sisterhood at Skate World; a skating rink with a range of activities from arcade games to different activity areas. For Zeta Tau Alpha, these sisterhoods are a way for the sisters to feel connected and to spend time together. “[Sisterhoods] have such a big effect [on our chapter]. When you first join the sorority, you don’t really know anyone. So the first thing that you do is have a sisterhood, which really just bonds everyone and you can meet people from your PC, as well as people from older PCs. It’s cool to get to know people that you might not usually hang out with,” says Payton L., the co-head of Sisterhood in Zeta Tau Alpha. 

“It gives us an opportunity to get the bigger crowd of us together, bond, and just meet new people or spend time with people you don’t normally spend as much time with, so it definitely has a huge impact on our sisterhood [as a chapter]. We also always have so much fun at them, it’s a way to continue having conversations even after the fact,” says Isabella F., Director of the Sisterhood for Zeta Tau Alpha. 

Sisterhood is very significant, but for this chapter, however, they are always looking to grow and are very excited for sisterhoods in the future. “I hope that once the COVID-19 [pandemic] is over, we can get closer with each other and have more opportunities for bonding sounds kind of weird but having that physical interaction and connection with each other can be really important sometimes,” says Payton L.

“Having the opportunity to have them more frequently is something that I’m looking forward to. Right now because of our precautions, there is a lot more time spent on planning and making sure all of our sisters are safe [with regards to COVID]. So going into the future and having more leniency to have more events and have more sisters feel safe to come out to the event,” says Isabella F.

With all the precautions that Zeta Tau Alpha is taking to ensure the safety of their sisters, they are hopeful for the future where they can see their sisters in person more frequently at sisterhoods. But even with the pandemic, Isabella and Payton are passionate about planning sisterhoods that bring all of the sisters together, if only figuratively at the moment. Their event at Skate World is just one example of the determination they have to continue to plan sisterhoods that everyone in their chapter can enjoy.


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