The Will To Make a Change

Author: Isa C. / Editor: Ariana W. / Photos: Abby W.

College is fondly remembered as some of the most fun and stressful times in one’s life. Creating new friendships, discovering passions, and enjoying the ride is a large part of college life. The third-year student in Gamma Phi Beta, Lauren B, is a great example of balancing work and fun. Lauren B. is heavily involved in chemical engineering and spends most of her time at the FAMU/FSU College of Engineering Campus where she works towards her degree. Taking the career path of an engineer requires a lot of determination and no small amount of passion to stay focused in order to succeed. As a child, Lauren B was introduced to the scientific field through her engineering parents. Now she is following in her parent’s footsteps and making a name for herself. She is being pushed forward by her determination to help create a better world. Working at least 40 hours a week, she described her ‘why.’ “As I went through life, my schedule got harder and a lot more hectic,” she began, “but I kept in mind that it opens more doors to create a more sustainable world and improve the environment and society.” 

Additionally, Lauren B., finds passion in being a leader. She is a part of many different extracurriculars such as the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the professional engineering fraternity Theta Tau, and the Dean’s Advising Board. She also has a passion for advocating for fellow women in STEM majors and volunteering to spend time with children on the weekends while teaching them about science. While the passion has always been present in Lauren’s life, the coming into leadership came with a learning curve. “When I was growing up, I was very introverted and quiet,” Lauren acknowledged, “... but since coming to college, I’ve become assertive and I’m really proud of the confidence I’ve built in this community.”

According to her, learning how to become a leader came with an understanding of how it felt to be on the other side of leadership. Gaining the confidence to speak your mind is a large part of why Lauren B is in the position she holds now and she feels it's very important to have an open communication policy, implementing the honesty needed in this field. When asked about why leadership is important to her she responded with, “Making other people know that they’re validated when they give their opinion is something I’m building on from what I’ve learned through life.” 

This optimistic attitude also carries over to her sorority sisters as well. To Lauren B, Gamma Phi is respite, a safe haven that de-stresses her from her life at the FAMU/FSU Engineering Campus. Because of her immersing major, she only has time to enjoy her sister’s company at the chapter’s dinners, but it is something she looks forward to every night. “All my sisters encourage me and tell me what a great job I’m doing. It’s really uplifting, because it's really hard doing all these things putting so much of myself into this field. Every night I’m brought back to life in a sense because everyone is so supportive and understanding. These are the best girls ever!” Because of her love for her sisters, Lauren B is planning to share what she knows. She loves her chapter and their value of academics. She has high hopes to become a part of Gamma Phi’s academic board in the future. She aspired to get more involved within her chapter and plans to teach others what she has learned about studying and positive academic habits to lead her fellow sisters to academic success. Being a part of leadership has changed Lauren B. She has found that being understanding and the will to continue on is a large part of being the person she is today. She intends to continue embodying the value of scholarship through inspiring and changing the world around her, one action at a time.


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