Alpha Chi Omega Executive Board 2024

Chapter Website:

National Website:

Facebook Page:

Instagram: @fsualphachiomega

TikTok: @fsualphachiomega



For information on letters of recommendation please visit the national website.

For information on membership eligibility please visit our organization’s Statements of Positions:


As Alpha Chi Omegas, we challenge and encourage each of our sisters to be the most real, strong, women they can be. Our symphony allows us to see beauty even in the common things in life, and to treat everyone we meet with love, unselfishness, and sincerity. Our open motto, “Together let us seek the heights” highlights our pursuit of all things greater than ourselves. As Alpha Chis, we are constantly empowering one another to reach our fullest potentials, and to be confident in the women we are. These values have fostered a strong community that celebrates authenticity and personal growth here at Florida State and so far beyond.


Our philanthropy, Domestic Violence Awareness, is a cause that has become near and dear to each of our hearts. Spreading awareness of domestic abuse and educating others about it is something that we, as a sisterhood, are incredibly passionate about. As Alpha Chis at Florida State, we have the unique opportunity to raise money and volunteer for our local refuge house, which provides shelter for survivors of domestic violence. We pride ourselves on promoting healthy relationships in every aspect of life, because the positive relationships we have formed with one another allow our sisterhood to grow stronger every day.


We at Alpha Chi are proud of each woman that we get to call a sister. Our community of real, strong women is beautifully diverse, with so many personalities and passions that have made it one of the greatest things about our college experience. From the first steps on our lawn on bid day, to the first day of fall classes and the first home football game at Doak, we want to be there for each and every moment of our sisters’ time at Florida State. Our sisterhood has fostered bonds that remain genuine long after we walk across the graduation stage in an Alpha Chi sash, and we are so thankful for that.



Alpha Delta Pi