Kappa Kappa Gamma Executive Board 2024
Local Website: fsu.kappa.org
National Website: www.kappakappagamma.org
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/fsukkg
Instagram: @fsukkg
Tiktok: @fsukappa
For information on letters of recommendation please visit the national website.
For information on membership eligibility please visit our organization’s Position Statement: www.kappakappagamma.org/Kappa/MediaFraternity.aspx?pageid=3633&id=3532
For information on membership expectations please visit: https://www.tiktok.com/@fsukappa
Leaving home, coming to Florida State University and joining a sorority is a whirlwind in itself, but our 250 sisters wouldn't have had it any other way. We are so thankful to have found our little slice of home at 528 West Jeff, and we are so excited to meet all of our potential new members! We all remember that first moment we walked through the door of Kappa, and all we can hope for is that each and every one of you gets that same feeling. Kappa is filled with the most intelligent, hilarious, quirky, passionate and beautiful women inside and out. We are a sisterhood filled with different personalities, backgrounds, and attitudes, but we all align with our core values:
Love, Friendship, and Loyalty.
So what exactly is Kappa? What makes Kappa home? How did we all end up here? Those answers are all so unique to us. Kappa is going on spur of the moment trips to the beach or even just to Chick-fil-A, having dance-parties at 2 AM because you've been studying together all night, finding your person who can be from across the country or from your own backyard, or getting involved with an organization that changes your life. The Epsilon Zeta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma is a support system. These are the people who have helped make our college experience. They've been there for the highest highs and lowest lows. We strive for our members to live out our values and to be authentic everyday.
We're real. We're roommates. We're best friends. We are a sisterhood.
Recruitment is all about finding the perfect fit for you. We wouldn't all be here today without realizing that throughout the process, Kappa always felt comfortable, welcoming, and the place where we could be ourselves. Kappa will love you, encourage you, and challenge you to try new things and get the most out of your time at FSU, providing endless opportunities for scholarship, philanthropy, leadership, social events, and sisterhood. We encourage anyone interested to go through recruitment to find the place you can call home. On behalf of our entire chapter, we are so excited to meet you soon!