Behind The Smiles

Writer: Emma J. / Editor: Ariana W. / Photographer: Abby W.

Mental health is one of the most important aspects of life for the sisters at Delta Delta Delta (Tri Delta.) From making sure their members always have a safe place to call home to checking in constantly, Tri Delta cares about their sisterhood. Their chapter strives to make sure every member knows that they are loved and that they love themselves.

The main two ways that Tri Delta strives to advocate for mental health is through programming initiatives. The chapter hosted two mental health events called Behind Happy Faces and Body Image 3D. These two programs presented to their sisters help teach sisters the tools they need to cultivate their mental health. 

Behind Happy Faces is a facilitation done by the chapter that teaches young women how to check in on themselves mentally and learn how to balance all the parts of being a hectic college student while maintaining a positive outlook on life. Tri Delta sister Alex X. leads her chapter by being the wellness chair. She states “Wellness to me means utilizing the tools we are given to become the greatest version of ourselves. Everyone’s toolbox looks different, and that’s what makes wellness so special and personal to those who partake in it! I’m a firm believer that wellness is something we expand upon as we learn more about ourselves and what our mental and physical health requires to stay in alignment.” 

         Another sister, Savannah H. says, “Tri Delta’s ‘Behind Happy Faces’ has helped me unearth inner truths about myself. It’s unrealistic to always be okay on the inside and out and recognizing that is the first step in becoming a better version of yourself. By finding ways to mitigate the effects of stress and other harms in college, being kinder to myself has become a lot easier.” With this programming, sisters are able to realize truths about themselves and be kinder to themselves when faced with different situations. These sisters are so important and Tri Delt makes sure that every sister in its chapter knows their own value and importance to the people within their lives. 

Along with Behind Happy Faces, Tri Delta also does another facilitation called Body Image 3D. As women, we are constantly faced with the task of being beautiful and living up to a body standard that was created for us. Tri Delta recognizes this and makes a workshop for its sisters to teach them that they are beautiful inside and out no matter what and that you are the only person who matters when it comes to the judgment of yourself.

Daniella C. is the incoming President of Tri Delta and prides her chapter on mental health initiatives like Behind Happy Faces. She

says, “It is more about figuring out your inner self and your values and morals because other college students and social media create warped ideas of body image and self-image. And being able to have this program helps to set everyone into a right mindset and realistic idea that life is not focused on external appearance and more who you are and how you treat people.” 

Through these workshops, you really see the values of Tri Delta show, truth, self-sacrifice, and friendship. Alex says, “Tri Delta Wellness has genuinely allowed me to explore this (mental health awareness) while helping others do the same.” Sisters use these programs to find the truth about who you are as a person and be a friend to those in need. Tri Delta is a leader in the fight for mental health and is a perfect example of what being part of Panhellenic can do for yourself and for the community around you. Through Behind Happy Faces and Body Image 3D Tri Delta members are able to cherish the art of loving yourself and learn how to share that love with all of the people around them.


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