Maura’s Room

Writer, Graphics: Savannah T. / Photographer: Jillian B. / Videographer: Kaitlyn C.

There’s always one room in every chapter house that is a hub. It’s where sisters gather to watch the Bachelor every Monday, where a game of Uno is played, or simply a place to catch up with friends. Delta Delta Delta is no exception to that rule.

“This is Maura’s room,” says Bianca York, “It’s technically the TV room but no one calls it that because this is her room. I think that’s a good step in the right direction, it helps ensure she’s never forgotten.”

Tri Delta sister Maura Binkley, along with FSU Professor Dr. Nancy Van Vessem, were among the victims of the November 2018 Tallahassee Hot Yoga shooting. Maura was 21 at the time and was set to graduate in 2019 with a degree in both Editing, Writing, and Media and German. While her life was tragically cut short, she impacted so many lives, including her beloved sisters in the Alpha ETA chapter of Tri Delta.


Younger and older sisters looked up to her alike, each noting that she embodied the values of a Tri Delta: truth, self-sacrifice and friendship. During her time at Florida State, she led her chapter as both Panhellenic Delegate and Standards Chair, and led the Panhellenic community as a Recruitment Counselor, participating in conversations about bringing Greek Life back after the 2017 suspension. 

“She was really just one of those people that always walked in and lit up the room,” says Alumni Advisor Nan Hill who worked with Maura during the almost two years she served on the Tri Delt Executive Board. “She was always just one of those supporting members always trying to get people involved. She was one of those people that you just wanted to kind of follow in her footsteps, and do what she was doing.”

When Maura passed, the Tri Delt house was still under construction, making it hard for sisters to come together to support each other as they grieved. Through the help of FSU, Tri Delta Nationals, and the Greek Community, the sisters of Tri Delt were able to find spaces to come together to heal while the new house was being built. The need for a space to remember and feel connected with Maura became apparent  before the house opened, so plans were made with Maura’s family’s blessing to create a room in her honor. 

“Our sisters have grown closer through the tragedy. The way that people’s legacy lives on is by talking about them and having their presence stay existing,” says current chapter president, Suzi A. “Having this room has allowed us to have a positive remembrance of her. I think her legacy lives on through [Maura’s room] and through all of our memories.”


While Tri Delta colors of blue, gold, and silver still adorn the room, little details of Maura can be seen throughout the room. On the couch, there are pink and yellow pillows, her two favorite colors. The cabinets are filled with books, representing Maura’s love for reading and wish to work for Teach for America after graduation. Figurines of airplanes and globes are perched on top books, symbolizing Maura’s love for travel and her summer spent in Germany. There is a growing collection of photos of Maura with her sisters, her smile radiating all the positivity she brought into so many people's lives.

“It is super cozy here, it's very homey. This is where we have our movie nights on the weekends. Typically it's free on weekends, so people can sneak away and just have quiet time here. It’s a great way to remember her,” says Suzi.

Among the meaningful staples of Maura’s room there is a beautiful portrait of her hanging on a wall her father picked out. Before she passed away, Maura had chosen this photo of herself to be commissioned as a graduation portrait. The painting was later donated to the Tri Delta house. 

“With her picture [in the room], she is just always here. She lived in-house, this was her house, this is her home. She will always watch over us. Always.”

Maura’s mother, Margret B. spoke with Philia about her daughters legacy at FSU and beyond saying, “Tri Delta and Panhellenic life at FSU played significant roles in Maura's college experience, which was tragically cut short by the multiple victim shooting at the yoga studio in Tallahassee in November of 2018. Through her leadership roles in Panhellenic and Tri Delta, Maura grew into a strong, confident, poised and fearless young woman. Maura was a Panhellenic Recruitment Counselor for Fall 2017. She set the tone for a positive and nurturing recruitment group by painting on her counselor clipboard (which doubled as a navigation sign for PNM's to find their  leader) "Real Queens Fix Each Others Crowns!" When the inevitable "cuts" were made, her group supported and encouraged one another. Maura then went on to become Tri Delt's Panhellenic Rep, which was a role she loved! She made friends in every sorority, helped plan and host campus wide events, including bringing in Allis G. from California to share her Strong Girls Movement with every sorority! Maura was also involved in intense meetings with President Thrasher, the IFC and other Panhellenic reps to address guidelines for Greek life continuing at FSU following the death of a fraternity pledge at an off campus party in the fall of 2017. Within Tri Delt, Maura served in numerous leadership positions and was Vice President of Chapter Development at the time of her passing. These collective experiences enabled Maura to grow and thrive, becoming a leader and role model in Tri Delt, FSU Panhellenic and beyond!”


A New Member Development Memoir


Philia Magazine Fall 2019