Going the Extra Mile

Writer, Graphics: Savannah T. / Chapter Submitted Photos

Most people need motivation to work out, and the Kappa Delta chapter has found their motivation through their philanthropy. For the past eight years, the Kappa Alpha chapter has put on the Color Me KD 5k every spring semester. The fun run raises over $20,000 every year for their many philanthropies. To learn more about the iconic philanthropy event, Philia sat down with theIR VP of Community Service, Brie C.

Can you discuss your philanthropies? What are they? How do you personally feel a connection to them? 


Brie C: Kappa Delta serves both national and local philanthropies; The Children’s Home Society, Prevent Child Abuse America, The Girl Scouts of the USA, The Orthopedic Research Awards, and The Children’s Hospital of Richmond, Virginia. It is an honor to serve these organizations that make this world a better place. The Children’s Home Society is an organization that strives to give hope and healing for children and families facing hardships such as abuse and abandonment. Kappa Alpha is very connected to CHS as they are local to the Tallahassee community. Not only do we donate to this organization, but we also volunteer and make connections with the employees, and see first-hand how our contributions are benefiting our community. Prevent Child Abuse America is one of our national philanthropies that was founded by one of our very own KD sisters. This organization helps create awareness and protection for children facing abuse and neglect all around the country. The Girl Scouts of the USA is one of my favorite philanthropies that we serve! It is amazing that we are able to build relationships with the Girl Scouts and be role models for them. We put on at least two events per semester to teach them about leadership and finding confidence within. I think it is so important for young women to learn they have a purpose, they are strong, and that no dream is ever too big.

Can you discuss the tradition behind the Color Me KD 5k (CMKD)? Why do you think this philanthropy event is so successful every year? 

Brie C: Every semester, the Kappa Alpha chapter puts on a philanthropy event to raise money for CHS and PCAA. The Color Run started over eight years ago, however it really made its debut in 2018. The past three events have been huge successes, which is why we are continuing to hold the annual run. Being able to make a 5k enjoyable with the color and music is what attracts our participants. They are so excited to not only run for a great cause but also get colorful along the way.

How did you put your own personal take as Philanthropy Chair on the annual event?  


Brie C: This year’s CMKD run was such a great turn out! One of the goals I had for this year’s event was to focus on getting more of the FSU community involved. My team and I came up with the idea to get a table on Landis green and hand out flyers for our event, which is something we have never done before.  These promotional days were such a huge success! KD sisters were able to play music, handout flyers, and interact with FSU students to bring our campus together for CMKD.

What made you want to apply for Philanthropy Chair? What do you do as Philanthropy Chair? 

Brie C: When I joined Kappa Delta in the fall of 2018, one of my goals was to get involved and hopefully be on the executive board. I was able to apply for an appointed officer position as soon as I was an official KD and ended up becoming the assistant to the Vice President of Community Service. I was so excited because I have always been passionate about serving the community and bringing joy to those in need. Working under Jillian Herrera, the VPCS at the time and the Kappa Alpha President now, I was able to connect more with our philanthropies and really understand the difference our sisterhood makes. My passion for serving others grew and I knew I wanted to take on the position of Vice President of Community Service. With the support from my sisters and my drive to bring hope and happiness to the children and families in our community, I was able to become the VPCS on our executive board. I will forever be grateful for this opportunity.

How did you go about planning the Color Me KD 5k?

Brie C: Little did I know, there are a lot of things that go into planning a 5k! Establishing a route for our runners, working with FSUPD and TPD, ordering all the colored powder, getting sponsorships, creating volunteer committees, and so much more was not easy. However, I could have not done it without the love and support from my Kappa Alpha sisters. I am so thankful for my Community Service team, the executive board, and our chapter alumnae for helping me plan such a wonderful event. A lot of time and hard work went into planning CMKD, but I would not change any of that for the world. 

What was the biggest challenge of putting this event together? What was the biggest reward?  


Brie C: The biggest challenge of coordinating CMKD was making sure that everything was going to be there for the day of the race. Many small details that went into making this event successful and I was nervous I would miss something. However, everything came together the day of the race and that day was one of the best days of my life; something I will cherish forever.  I will never forget the start of the race when our DJ was playing music, all our runners were pumped, and there was so much excitement in the air! The CHS representatives were also there and able to experience the joy and excitement we all felt! The best feeling was knowing that this event was making a  difference for our community and each person there was contributing to that difference in some way.  

What is your favorite thing about the Color Me KD 5k? 

Brie C: My Favorite thing about the Color Me KD 5K is seeing how our KD chapter comes together. Each woman in our chapter is so dedicated and passionate to help put on this event to benefit our philanthropies. I am so inspired by each of them and it makes me smile just thinking about how much good our sisterhood can do together. 

Was the Color Me KD 5k a success? How much money did you raise for your philanthropy? How do you think the event raises awareness about your philanthropy in the FSU Community? 

Brie C: The 2020 CMKD was a great success! With all the participants, donations, and support from our KD sisters, we raised over $26,00 for the Children’s Home Society!! A representative from CHS was able to come speak at our event and inform our participants about their organization and how we are benefiting them. This race not only brought people together to support CHS, but it also educated them on the organization and how they can make an impact on the children and families right in our Tallahassee community.  

How did your sisters in KD support you in your role as Philanthropy Chair?  

Brie C: My sisters are my biggest fans when it comes to everything Philanthropy. Each girl helped with CMKD in some way whether it was the pre event committees, day of event committees, or clean up crew. Without them, CMKD would have not been possible and I am so blessed to have such a supportive and encouraging team.

How did the Panhellenic Community support your Color Me KD 5k? 


Brie C: The Panhellenic Community supported not only me, but our whole chapter during CMKD. It was amazing to see women from all 17 chapters buying ice-cream at our Share it Night, picking up flyers at our promotion tables, purchasing tickets, and participating in the race. Women supporting women is how you get the job done! We are also so fortunate to be supported by the men of the Interfraternity Council at FSU. They put in so much hard work to show out to our events and raise as much money as possible for our philanthropies.  

Where do you see the future of the Color me KD 5k? 

Brie C: I see Color Me KD 5k not only flourishing on the campus of FSU in the next couple years, but also becoming a success for all KD chapters across the nation. This color run brings the whole community together and makes exercise something fun and enjoyable. Our participants love getting drenched in color and crossing the finish line with the best cheerleaders! This event has a huge impact on our philanthropies and is increasing in success every year. I can’t wait to see how much of an impact CMKD will have for not just our community, but our country over the next few years! 


Coming Together from a Distance


Founder of Online Boutique, Jensen Elizabeth