Getting Out The Vote

Writer: Mia L. / Editors: Savannah T. and Grace C. / Photographer: Katie F. / Photo editor: Olivia E. / Graphic Designer: Savannah T.

College is often described as a place of self-discovery; a place where students can find their life-long passions and discover new ways to get involved in their communities. Maia T., a Freshman Political Science major in Sigma Delta Tau, has had a passion for enacting change for as long as she can remember. Through getting involved with Florida PIRG at Florida State University, she has been able to use that passion to create meaningful change on campus. 


Florida PIRG is a student-powered advocacy organization that aims to create a healthier and more sustainable future for everyone, and empowers student leaders to become change-makers through this process. The organization provides the necessary training, professional support, and resources that students need to tackle important issues like climate change, public health, the revitalization of democracy, food insecurity, and more.

Maia got involved with Florida PIRG during her first semester at FSU when looking for ways to pursue her passion on campus. Maia was presented with the opportunity to join PIRG leading up to the 2020 Presidential Election when PIRG was in the middle of their Get Out To Vote campaign which worked to increase voter turnout in the upcoming election. Maia Says, “This really interested me as I always had kept in mind that my first semester of college also fell on an election year, and it would also be my first time voting!” 

She expressed that she was very aware of the fact that many college students had a hard time getting their votes in as they were likely new to voting and far from home - especially out-of-state students. Maia knew she wanted to help ensure students were getting registered to vote so that their voices would be heard in the upcoming election. Being a part of PIRG at FSU allowed her to do this and connect with other students passionate about civic engagement and advocacy.


With the help of her PIRG team, Maia was able to help create change on our campus and in the community. She mobilized and used her knowledge and resources to get students registered to vote. She even got PIRG to attend a Sigma Delta Tau chapter where their sisters were taught about how to register to vote before the election. “With the help of FLPIRG, we were able to have the highest rate of young voters in history, and I’m so glad I got to be a part of that,” says Maia.

She doesn’t hesitate to acknowledge the impact being at Florida State University and in Sigma Delta Tau has had on her and her leadership development. “Being in a school environment where everyone else is also focusing on their grind has definitely upped my work ethic and helped me just focus on myself and how I can improve as a person and a leader, not only for myself but also for the people around me,” she stated. “Sigma Delta Tau has definitely been at the forefront of this influence though, as having so many supportive women that really want you to succeed in every aspect and are always there to fall on is really reassuring and influential.”


Maia’s passion is no secret and her sisters can see it shine through each day. Her Big, Sydney P., is one of Maia’s biggest supporters.“Maia is one of the most inspiring and hard-working people I know. She’s so passionate about creating a better future for all of us and being involved in helping people become stronger leaders,” Sydney stated. “Maia is a special type of person who takes any opportunity given to her to try and educate people on the importance of creating a better environment and sense of community for everyone.”

The work of Maia and her PIRG team had an immense impact on getting students to register here at Florida State and ensured that student voices were heard in the election. Through getting involved in PIRG at Florida State University and finding a supportive sisterhood in Sigma Delta Tau, Maia was able to pursue one of her long-time passions and create lasting change in Tallahassee and beyond. “My favorite moment will always be learning we were part of increasing the youth voter turnout in America; it's something I'll never forget.”


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