Getting to Know Philia

Writers: Shaina F. and Katherine R. / Editor: Savannah T. / Photographers: Olivia E., Brooke F. and Savannah T. / Photo Editors: Olivia E. and Brooke F.

On April 10th, Philia will be releasing our latest issue. In honor of this, we wanted to spotlight our hardworking staff who dedicated their time and energy this semester to producing both blog and magazine content.

Editor in Chief, Savannah T., is a sister in Delta Zeta and a senior double majoring in Public Relations and Editing, Writing and Media. After graduation, she is pursing her Master’s in Advertising at Boston University.

How long you have worked for Philia: I have been a part of Philia since my junior fall semester. I first joined as a photographer, then the following the semester I was a writer and an editor. When COVID-19 hit, I decided to write the remaining articles and designed the web page for the Philia blog and took over as EIC the following school year.

Have you made any connections with Panhellenic as a whole through your time with Philia?

Through my involvement with Philia, I have been able to connect to other women not in my chapter within the Panhellenic community. I actually got involved in Phillia through my friend and roommate from when I studied abroad, Katie F, who was the past EIC of Philia was in a different chapter than me, and have since met so many other hard working women in our Panhellenic community just by being on the staff. Joining Phillia has given me a greater understanding and appreciation for each chapter. 

Thanks to Philia… I have been able to connect with likeminded women who inspire me and show me the strength we have as women!

Editor and Writer, Grace C. is a sister of Alpha Chi Omega and is a junior double majoring in Media Communication Studies and Editing, Writing and Media. She plans to pursue a Master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communications at Florida State next fall.

How long you have worked for Philia: Four semesters 

What does Panhellenic mean to you? I have always struggled with putting my feelings about Panhellenic into words but here goes. I have never felt as accepted and motivated as I do in this community. We have access to so many opportunities and so many connections that I could have never imagined should I not have joined. To me, being involved in Panhellenic has not only been my favorite part of my college experience, but it has been my college experience. I have met so many of my bests in this community who have pushed me to better myself, those around me, and the community in general. I strive to do for Panhellenic what Panhellenic has done for me.

Thanks to Philia... Philia was quite literally my first involvement here at Florida State and I owe absolutely everything to it! The connections and experiences I have made while writing for Philia pushed me to become a Recruitment Counselor last year, to run for and win a position on my Chapter’s Executive Board, become Marketing and Media for Formal Recruitment this year, and have contributed to my additional involvements at FSU! Not only has it pushed me to become the best version of myself, it has also allowed me to learn about who I want to be not only as a student and professional, but also as a woman!

Photography Editor, Olivia E., is a sister of Kappa Alpha Theta and is a junior double majoring in Media Communication and Hospitality. She plans on following her passion for journalism and photography or exploring a career in broadcasting or event planning.

How long you have worked for Philia: Four semesters

Have you made any connections with Panhellenic as a whole through your time with Philia?: Through Philia, I definitely made a lot of great, new connections. Especially with new women on the board, meeting new women while photographing them, it is a really cool experience. It also pushed me to get to know more about Panhellenic as a whole and now just what I know from being in Theta. It also pushed me into becoming a RhoGam, which I will do, which I am really excited about. I met some girls who were past Rho Games, and it really put me to consider those options, so i applied last year, and ended up going through the interview process and got it. I am really excited for this upcoming fall to get to know PNM’S and guide them through this process. 

Thanks for Philia… I have made life-long friends. I have learned so much more about my photography. I have met so many amazing women in the Panhellenic Community that I would have never met. I love meeting women from different chapters, especially being in Kappa Alpha Theta now, it is really great meeting women from Sigma Delta Tau, Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi. It is such a great experience meeting all of these people and learning their experiences within Panhellenic and outside of Panhellenic. It is so cool to laugh with them and talk to them. 

Photography Editor, (Recruitment Counselor), is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi and is a sophomore majoring in Advertising. She plans on becoming a Creative Director.

How long you have worked for Philia: 2 years

What does Panhellenic mean to you? To me, Panhellenic means a strong community of women. Although we are separated by chapter, we come together as one to represent both the greek and FSU community in a positive light. 

Thanks to Philia… for giving me the opportunity to meet other women within the Panhellenic community that I otherwise would have not been able to meet. 

Editor and Writer, Caroline M., is a sister of Alpha Omicron Pi and is a senior double majoring in Editing, Writing and Media and Classical Civilizations. She plans to work in a publishing house as an acquisition editor.

How long have you worked for Philia: I’ve been writing for Philia since last semester

Have you made any connections with Panhellenic as a whole through your time with Philia? Through Philia, I’ve come to realize that I have so much more in common with the other women in Panhellenic than I originally thought. There are so many passionate and driven women in Panhellenic, and being able to shine a little bit extra light on their accomplishments has not only been an immense privilege but brought me so much closer to the community. 

Thanks to Philia... I’ve been able to meet so many different amazing women in the Panhellenic community and collaborate on a magazine that highlights the sisterhood that is Panhellenic. 

Editor and Writer, Ariana W., is a sister of Alpha Gamma Delta and is a freshman majoring in Editing, Writing and Media. She plans on being a journalist for either a local magazine or a newspaper, inspired by publications like the Tallahassee Democrat and Tallahassee Woman.

How long have you worked for Philia: Last semester I was a graphic designer. This semester I am a staff writer and writing team leader.

Have you made any connections with Panhellenic as a whole through your time with Philia? I do believe that I have been able to make connections through my time with Philia. For example, Savannah T., our Editor in Chief, actually allowed me to interview her for an ENC 2135 course and she has been a great source for advice on which courses I should take as I continue into the EWM major. 

Thanks to Philia… I discovered my passion for journalism. Being a part of Philia reminded me of my love for writing and allowed me to realize that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. It is because of my experience with Philia that I changed my major from Political Science to Editing Writing and Media.

Videographer, Libby B.,  is a sister of Delta Zeta and is a junior majoring in Digital Media Production. She plans to either work for a web based company out of college and move to a big city or go to grad school for digital marketing.

How long have you worked for Philia: 2nd semester

What does Panhellenic mean to you? Panhellenic in one word to me means sisterhood. Panhellenic is a community of strong women who come together and support each other. I love these women and they inspire me everyday to be a better version of myself.

Thanks to Philia... I have grown to love my sorority more and the sisters I surround myself with.

Videographer, Abigail B., is a sister of Delta Zeta and is a sophomore. She plans to work in-house photography/videography either for an artist on tour or for a magazine like Rolling Stone.

How long you have worked for Philia: First semester 

What does Panhellenic mean to you? Panhellenic made me realize that I had a larger community beyond my own sorority.

Thanks to Philia… I’ve been able to add to my videography portfolio and work with some really amazing women!

Photographer, Celine B., is a sister of Chi Omega and is a sophomore majoring in International Affairs and looking to add another major, Media Communications Studies. Additionally, she also is minoring in Commercial entrepreneurship. She plans to purse photography when she graduates.

How long you have worked for Philia:  This is my first semester doing that. 

Have you made any connections with Panhellenic as a whole through your time with Philia? I’ve definitely made connections from joining Philia. I’ve gotten closer with sisters in Chi O who are also involved and I’ve met people from other chapters that I wouldn’t have known otherwise. 

Thanks to Philia... I’ve been able to explore my passion for photography while also being able to get more involved on campus and with the Panhellenic community. 

Writer, Caroline B., is a sister of Sigma Delta Tau and is a freshman majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Film Studies. She plans to do PR for a big entertainment corporation like HBO.

How long have you worked for Philia: This my first year on Philia’s writing staff 

What does Panhellenic mean to you? Panhellenic to me means a community of strong and independent women that are there to support me through every milestone of my life. 

Thanks to Philia… I have found a creative outlet that allows me to do what I love (write) about something that has changed my college experience.

Videographer, Kaitlyn C., is a sister in Alpha Chi Omega and is a senior majoring in Creative Writing. She is pursing her Masters in film production at the University of Southern California.

How long have you worked for Philia: I have been a videographer for Philia for 3 semesters. 

Have you made any connections with Panhellenic as a whole through your time with Philia? I have made a lot of connections with Panhellenic through Philia. I have had the opportunity to work on pieces about my own sisters which has brought me closer to them. But it’s also given me an opportunity to be reminded that our community extends far beyond just my chapter. I’ve been lucky enough to tell the stories of so many inspiring Panhellenic women-- none of which would have been possible without Philia

Thanks to Philia... I have been able to do the thing I am most passionate about in a setting that allows me to meet a variety of women from the Panhellenic community. 

Writer, [Recruitment Counselor], is a sister of Kappa Kappa Gamma and is a sophomore majoring in Editing, Writing and Media and Media Communication Studies. She plans on going to Law School and working in Public Policy.

How long have you worked for Philia: This is my first semester on Philia Staff, but I wrote an article for the blog last semester. I plan to write again next semester. It's been so fun this semester!

Have you made any connections with Panhellenic as a whole through your time with Phillia? Yes! I definitely feel more connected to this community and are much more aware of what other chapters are up to! 

Thanks to Philia... I have gotten to know more women in other chapters of Panhellenic and see first hand all the amazing things the women in this community are doing!

Photographer, Bella D., is a sister of Alpha Chi Omega and is a freshman majoring in Criminology. She plans on going to Law School and working for the FBI in the future, as well as growing my personal photography business.

How long you have worked for Philia: This is my second semester shooting for Philia.

Have you made any connections with Panhellenic as a whole through your time with Philia? One Hundred percent yes! It’s such a good conversation starter and connection when you meet girls from other chapters and you can say you know a girl you met by photographing them for Phillia

Thanks to Philia... I’ve met so many amazing girls from different chapters and learn about their involvements in different parts on campus.

Photographer, Katie F., is a sister of Kappa Kappa Gamma and is a sophomore double majoring in Psychology and Criminology. She plans to become a family and divorce attorney.

How long you have worked for Philia: I’ve been taking pics for Philia since last semester 

What does Panhellenic mean to you? To me, Panhellenic means a group of women supporting other women and calling them in! Calling someone in means including them in the conversation, helping to educate one another, and encouraging each other to be your best self!

Thank you Philia… for giving me the opportunity to work with and take photos of some of the amazing women that Panhellenic has to offer. 

Writer, Mia L., is a sister of Chi Omega and is a junior majoring in Geography. She plans on pursing a career in Public Service.

How long have you worked for Philia: 1 year 

Have you made any connections with Panhellenic as a whole through your time with Philia? It’s allowed me to get involved in Panhellenic outside of my chapter and meet inspiring Panhellenic women from all walks of life. 

Thanks to Philia... I have made incredible connections with women outside of my chapter. 

Writer, Kyla M., is a sister of Alpha Omicron Pi and is a sophomore majoring in Information Communication and Technology. She plans to continue to explore writing throughout her college career.

How long you have worked for Philia: One semester 

What does Panhellenic mean to you? To me, Panhellenic is a community of women who want to grow with each other. It is a space where someone can come looking for friends, service or opportunities. Panhellenic is about encouraging one another to embrace our differences and love the things that connect us. 

Thanks to Philia… I have been able to rediscover my passion for writing and tell the stories of the women who make Panhellenic so unique. 

Writer, Katherine R., is a sister in Delta Zeta and is a sophomore majoring in Media Communication Studies. She plans on working for a Public Relations firm.

How long you have worked for Phillia: First semester, but I wrote a piece last fall. 

What does Panhellenic mean to you? To me, Panhellenic is a community of women who build each other up and support one another to be the best version of themselves.

Thanks to Phillia… I have been able to work with such a great team, and on top of that I have been able to feel more connected to the Panhellenic community. 

Writer, Ilana S., is a sister in Delta Zeta and is a junior majoring in English Education. After graduation, she plans on becoming a high school English teacher and then eventually high school principal.

How long have you worked for Philia: 3 semesters 

What does Panhellenic mean to you? Panhellenic means sisterhood, put simply. I think the meaning of Panhellenic is the embodiment of lifting each other up through service and love for your sisters.

Thanks to Philia… I have grown as a writer and gained insight into some wonderful hidden gems of the Panhellenic community.

Videographer, (recruitment counselor), is a sister in Gamma Phi Beta and a sophomore majoring in Marketing. She plans on graduating from FSU in spring of 2023 and hopefully move to a big city to work in digital marketing. 

How long you have worked for Philia: I've been a videographer for Philia for two semesters. 

Have you made any connections with Panhellenic as a whole through your time with Philia? Panhellenic has brought me true friends and a place where I can be completely comfortable in myself. 

Thanks to Philia…  I have met and bonded with so many Panhellenic women from so many different chapters!

Writer, Holly W., is a sister in Kappa Kappa Gamma and a junior majoring in Media communications. She plans on pursing a career in Public Relations, where she plans on utilizing her skills in writing.

How long have you worked for Philia: This was my first semester writing for Philia.

Have you made any connections with Panhellenic as a whole through your time with Phillia? I had the chance to interview a Panhellenic delegate this semester and I am also a Panhellenic delegate and she was able to tell me some great ideas that she had and I got to learn a lot from her.

Thanks to Philia... I have the confidence in myself to be able to begin my honors thesis next semester. 


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