Picnics for Philanthropy

Writer: Grace C. / Editor: Savannah T. / Photo Editor: Brooke F. / Photos submitted by chapter


As we continue to rely on the simpler pleasures in life, like good food, spending time with those we love, and being outdoors, we have collectively and enthusiastically been attending and hosting more picnics. And what's better than a good picnic? A Picnic with a Purpose. Hannah B., Phi Mu’s Vice President of External Affairs, and her committee are responsible for the success of their chapter’s recent philanthropy event, Picnic with a Purpose. As VP of External Affairs, Hannah oversees Phi Mu’s public relations, social events, and philanthropy; her responsibilities include events planning, social media coordination, and harm reduction. With dozens of cabinet positions under her, she helps them each create an authentic image of Phi Mu and highlights all of the amazing things that it does. 

When Hannah joined Phi Mu last year as a sophomore, she never imagined she would have the opportunity to run for an Executive Board position. “I had the misunderstanding that I was ‘too late’ but that is one thing my sisters have shown me is not true in the slightest,” she recalls, “In Phi Mu, everyone is seen for who they truly are and all that they are capable of. My sisters pushed me to go for the Executive Board after they saw my potential in cabinet positions!”


Their recent philanthropy event, Picnic with a Purpose, took place on March 28 and has been a work in progress since the beginning of the semester. As the chapters and our community continue to navigate the pandemic, Phi Mu’s goal was to create an event that was enticing but also safe for members and supporters alike. 

“We decided to go with an outdoor food truck event, where people could get food at three different locations and enjoy it at socially distanced tables,” Hannah states. 

This allowed groups to enjoy the event together without having to choose just one venue; everyone was able to eat what they wanted. Hannah elected cabinet heads who went on to create an overarching team of 15 sisters, each of whom had different jobs and goals, and collaborated on a vision, fundraising, and outreach efforts. “My team and I put countless hours of hard work and love into this event and it truly showed, the event was an absolute hit! We had a ton of familiar faces and new people there to support CMNH. It was amazing to see and something I’ll remember forever,” says Alyssa K., a cabinet head.


Grace C., also a cabinet head, notes that watching Picnic with a Purpose come to life was one of the most rewarding experiences she has had at FSU. She states that “The relationships that I formed within the philanthropy team leading up to and during this event were so special and I am so proud to be a part of a sisterhood that is so dedicated to supporting the kids!” 

The collective team worked for weeks brainstorming and were ultimately able to create and execute their ideal event, which was a success. Phi Mu raised over $10,000 in support of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals for the kids at Picnic with a Purpose.

“The pandemic has affected so many aspects of our lives so our goal was to create an event as close as normalcy as we could,” reflects Hannah. 


Because of the guidelines put in place to keep our community safe, they had to consider details such as extra sanitization, masks, social distancing, and the number of people in attendance in planning a successful and safe event. Hannah recounts that “Our biggest struggle was the amount of people that wanted to come to the event. We had to create strategic shift times, each with 30 minutes in between, so there was no risk of cross contamination,” which they ultimately pulled off. 

Through their involvement with Phi Mu, Hannah and many others have been shown what their true passions are in life. Despite her nature as a math and science minded student, Hannah specifically has found a passion for leading sisters and planning events like Picnic with a Purpose. “Another lesson I’ve learned is that you can start from any experience level. All you need is a desire to serve your chapter,” asserts Hannah.


Hannah goes on to reflect that “Going through recruitment twice, I was so scared I would never find my place,” a sentiment shared by many with the same experience. Even so, the biggest lesson learned by those who seek to discover what lies within more than once is that everything works out in the right timing. “The Panhellenic community is so vast and beautiful and there is a place for everyone. And I am so blessed to have found mine,” shares Hannah. 

She concludes that “Phi Mu has shaped me into a better person and I am so thankful for the experiences I have made in the Panhellenic community.” A statement that encompasses the true value of Panhellenic and the events, like Picnic with a Purpose, that the women of this community dedicate themselves to each and every semester - despite the circumstances.


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