Getting to Know Philia

Author: Bella B. / Editor: Ariana W.

Panhellenic’s magazine is coming soon; Philia Fall 2022 Edition! It’s New! It’s full of sisterhood! And it’s all you could ever ask for! In honor of so, Philia wanted to highlight the hardworking staff that is behind each physical page, digital blog-bound photo, and word! 

Sophia P., Vice President of Public Relations

Serves for the sisterhood of Alpha Gamma Delta and is a senior majoring in Retail Entrepreneurship and Media Communications! Sophia enjoys Panhellenic’s connecting feeling the most and believes the significance of being a community made up of over 4000 women is something to talk about.

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

The collaboration with everyone on the team. It’s really cool to experience women from across the community coming together to tell the stories of those who are making a difference at FSU and beyond.

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

It IS the Panhellenic community. It’s created by, for, and about Panhellenic women, and through that network, the community is ultimately connected. 

Thanks to Philia

I’ve met so many incredible women in other chapters and have grown more confident in my ability to tell others’ stories and the stories of a whole community.

Ariana W., Editor in Chief

Serves as a proud member of Alpha Gamma Delta, and is involved in multiple committees within her sisterhood! Ariana is a junior majoring in Editing, Writing & Media and minoring in Museum Studies. She loves sharing people's stories and believes in the importance of highlighting perspectives. 

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

Philia has allowed me to not only make connections but to make friends with sisters in every Panhellenic chapter on campus! These friendships have allowed me to strengthen my relationship with the Panhellenic community in a personal way. I have attended philanthropy events for all seventeen chapters and have even been to several chapters’ social events. 

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

In every way. Philia is written by Panhellenic women about Panhellenic women for Panhellenic women. Our publication creates a minimum of two pieces for every chapter every semester with the intention of showcasing the values of the chapters and strengthening the relationships between chapters through their pieces. 

Thanks to Philia

I was able to connect with this community of women on a deeper level and gave me the push I needed to get out of my comfort zone. I’m not sure I would have had the confidence to not only visit each chapter but to befriend at least one sister from all seventeen. 

Bella B., Writing Team Leader 

Serves as a proud member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and has been newly elected as the Philanthropy Director! Bella is a junior dual majoring in Information, Communication & Technology, and Editing, Writing & Media. She thoroughly enjoys being able to tell people's stories and connect with them through the process.

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

Getting to not only learn about the varying perspectives of so many chapters but also having the ability to ask questions about it all! Hearing the varying and yet similar ways chapters perform their day-to-day tasks is so interesting, and brings you a grander appreciation and respect for the community and especially your home chapter. Philia puts you in a great place to meet and then get to know people you may have never been able to encounter before. 

 How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

I believe this publication does a stellar job at highlighting the importance of the events each chapter puts on, and the individualized personalities that make up each and every one! We provide a magazine and blog that encapsulates not just the core values of each sisterhood, but the fun memories behind so as well. 

Thanks to Philia

I have had the opportunity to become better connected with my Panhellenic community and my own writing and editing skills! ​​There is nothing that will give you the biggest sparkle feeling than finding someone in a different chapter and connecting instantly. This community is so unique because we are all built on the same platform but specialize in varying tasks and activities; that’s Philia.

Abby W., Photography Team Leader

Serves for the Zeta Tau Alpha sisterhood and is the current Panhellenic Delegate! Abby is a sophomore studying criminology. She loves that the Panhellenic community has brought her so many influential women who inspire her to be the best version of herself.

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

I am able to capture the stories of influential Panhellenic women and share them with the rest of the community.

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community:

Philia allows all members of the Panhellenic community to learn about important events in the community and the accomplishments of our sisters that showcase how amazing these chapter women truly are.

Thanks to Philia

I have met so many amazing women who have taught me to be the best version of myself and to never give up on my dreams.

Lindsey A., Writer

Serves within the chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta as the Director of Academic Enrichment! Lindsey is a senior majoring in Editing, Writing & Media with a minor in Education. She loves her degree as it deals with creative and logical thinking and hopes to get involved in the publishing industry once she graduates. 

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

Learning more about what each chapter does and how the sisters feel connected to their chapter! I also really love being able to meet more Panhellenic sisters! 

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

I feel like Philia brings together the community in a smaller way that allows each chapter to get to know each other! Through internal staff connections, interviews with other Panhellenic sisters, and the blogs/magazine we write! We all have a passion for our chapters and sisters and that’s showcased in the writing and connection. I know I really loved talking to the sisters that I wrote about in my articles and loved getting to know the people on my team!

Thanks to Philia

I’ve gotten to know a lot of women in different chapters! Everyone is so kind and wonderful! It also helped me to feel more connected to the Panhellenic community, which is a special feeling that I can’t express enough. Philia is truly an amazing organization that lets you have creative freedom as well as giving you the opportunity to see what makes each chapter special! 

Lauren B., Writer

Serves as a proud member of Alpha Gamma Delta as the Vice President of Chapter Wellness! Lauren is currently a junior and is dual majoring in music and Editing, Writing & Media with a minor in Child Development. She loves how uplifting everyone is within the Panhellenic community, and takes inspiration from everyone's passion.

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

I think the best part has been getting to interview women and learn about their accomplishments in a way I normally wouldn’t get to.

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

Sometimes it’s easy to get in the bubbles of our individual chapters and Philia stories help us remember the greater Panhellenic community at large and how similar we all are.

Thanks to Philia

For helping me make new connections and new friends within the Panhellenic community.  

Ellie B., Writer

Serves within the Alpha Phi chapter as the Director of New Member Education! Ellie is a sophomore majoring in Political Science and minoring in Communications. Her favorite thing about the Panhellenic community is the opportunity it allows for all women involved to grow as individuals!

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

I’ve loved developing my skills as a writer and working as a team to create something that we can share with the whole Panhellenic community! I’ve also loved the process of interviewing and learning about all of the different chapter women I’ve gotten to write about! 

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

I think it portrays each chapter on an individual basis! Reading and understanding unique aspects of different chapters can help further the relationships between Panhellenic chapters and ultimately strengthen our community.

Thanks to Philia

I was able to learn more about the amazing women that make up the community. 

Isa B., Writer 

Majoring in Cell & Molecular and minoring in Neuroscience. Isa enjoys the Panhellenic community, as whether she is in classes or out and about she always finds a way to befriend someone within the community!  

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

There’s so much but honestly, I would have to say meeting so many amazing women and hearing a bit about their sisterhood and just noticing what a small world it is! For example, for my first article, the first woman I interviewed went to my high school! Then the second woman happens to be my roommate’s sorority cousin! Overall it’s just realizing how everyone’s experiences are just so unique. It’s also cool to debunk that whole “sorority girl” stereotype because these women are studying for the MCAT or holding their own small business and I think that’s so cool!

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

Being a writer on Philia has introduced me to so many women I may not have met had I not joined greek life. Philia gives the opportunity to highlight so many creative, strong, and skilled women in the Panhellenic community. It makes this community feel so much smaller as I notice that while we may be in different chapters we hold similar values such as resilience and courage. As I mentioned, being a writer in Philia introduced me to Panhellenic sisters that went to my high school and we share the same future goals!

Thanks to Philia

I have met so many incredible Panhellenic women that I would have never had the opportunity to! It has also made me more confident in my writing skills and articulate my ideas better.

Isabel B., Writer

Serves as a proud sister within the Sigma Delta Tau chapter! Isabel is a junior majoring in Public Relations and double minoring in Political Science and English. She finds the Panhellenic community vital for such a huge school like FSU to seem so much smaller and have a home away from home! and to feel like you have a group of women who can be your friends and also feel like family. 

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

Being able to interview and write about such talented and intelligent women in the Panhellenic community. It’s one thing to get extremely involved in your specific chapter, but it’s another to be able to venture into other parts of Panhellenic and get to speak to women who you may otherwise never have met. 

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

By telling important and valuable stories of women that may not be told otherwise. There are so many amazing women in our community that are doing these awesome things in and outside of their chapters, and it’s such an incredibly valuable thing that Philia is able to be responsible for telling those stories through photography and writing. By doing this, we are able to hopefully foster new friendships with women across all chapters at FSU. 

Thanks to Philia

For strengthening my writing skills and allowing me to meet such an amazing group of people. Being able to interview women in the community about such interesting things in their lives has really allowed me to be more creative in the way I write. I love meeting new people and being involved in my chapter has definitely given me that opportunity countless times. But it is so fun to be able to meet women who have the Panhellenic community in common with me but are also so different from me. I’ve learned so many new things through interviewing and writing this semester about them!

Hannah C., Writer

Serves in the sisterhood of Alpha Chi Omega and is the upcoming Vice President of Intellectual Development! Hannah is a sophomore pursuing a major in Political Science and a minor in Economics. She hopes to use her education in the future to uplift underrepresented and marginalized communities through public service.

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

Connecting with inspiring women from each of FSU’s 17 chapters and learning about what real, strong womanhood means to them!

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

Allowing members of any chapter to get to know other influential members of our community! 

Thanks to Philia

For personally connecting me with the amazing women of this community who inspire me each day! 

Elizabeth C., Photographer

Serves as a proud member of Alpha Gamma Delta! Elizabeth is a senior working toward dual degrees in Political Science and Public Relations as well as double minors in Political Philosophy and Religion. When she graduates she wants to pursue a career in legislative affairs to advocate for marginalized communities and human rights.

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

Meeting so many incredible women from different chapters. I went through COB in the Spring of 2020 and because of COVID-19, I haven’t had many opportunities to meet women from other chapters before now. It has been amazing seeing the strength and passion of the women in this community.

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

Philia showcases all 17 chapters, giving the entire Panhellenic community a glimpse of what other chapters are doing and the amazing women in them. It also shows the broader FSU community that we are more than a social club, and that we help women become the best versions of themselves. 

Thanks to Philia

For connecting me with so many passionate women and showing me a different side of the Panhellenic community!

Isa C., Writer

Serves as a proud member of the Alpha Gamma Delta chapter and is a freshman majoring in Computer Science! Isa hopes to work in the cybersecurity field after she graduates. She appreciates how Philia is another group of sisterhood in itself.

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

I would definitely have to say just being able to meet new people. At first, it was the scariest part about this job, however, I’ve come to enjoy it and just learn about what people have to say about something.

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

Because we are full of Panhellenic diversity, we can really go anywhere within the community which is pretty cool. We’re the prime example of sisterhood.

Thanks to Philia

I have gained more confidence as a writer and new connections through other chapters. It’s nice because I feel more secure meeting someone from a new chapter because I know someone now in some chapters. 

Morgan G., Writer

Serves in the chapter of Alpha Phi as the Line Dance Liaison! Morgan is a junior majoring in Editing, Writing & Media, and minoring in Environmental Science. After she graduates she hopes to become a journalist and travel the world to write about different perspectives.

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

Getting a glimpse of other chapters through interviewing members of attending their events. I love seeing firsthand the dedication and passion of the members of our Panhellenic community! 

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

By recognizing each other’s successes. For example, I attended Delta Zeta’s Trick or Treat event with the speech and hearing organization and it has to be one of my favorite Philia moments. Being able to see how the women of DZ interacted with the kids and families was truly special and being able to take part in that by playing with the kids and interviewing the ladies of DZ is an experience I will cherish.

Thanks to Philia

I have not only been able to gain more experience in interviewing, and writing, but also have made lasting memories and connections with inspirational and dedicated members of the Panhellenic community and have been able to share their stories! 

Carly N., Writer 

Serves as a proud member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and is a freshman majoring in Communications on an advertising route. Carly is excited to get more involved in her own sisterhood and is proud to be a part of Panhellenic; she views it as a community that consistently reciprocates kindness and compassion! 

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

I have loved every bit of being a part of Philia. It’s been a very rewarding experience taking my love for writing and turning it into a tangible outcome. I also enjoyed talking to and learning about so many spectacular women outside of my own chapter that I may have never met otherwise. Not to mention, being able to work alongside so many other talented writers, editors, and photographers within the Philia staff. 

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

It allows us to be informed about what amazing things our Panhellenic sisters are partaking in. Hearing about a sister’s involvement not only fosters pride and love within the community but also inspires and encourages others to be involved and make a difference themselves. This shared appreciation and aspiration for positive change that Philia provides are exactly what binds Panhellenic as a cohesive community. 

Thanks to Philia

I have been able to grow my love for writing and write about a community I’m so passionate about. The relationships I’ve formed through Philia constantly remind me why I wanted to be a part of the Panhellenic community in the first place. Speaking with so many interesting women and hearing their stories has given me so many great memories. 

Celina P., Writer

Serves as a proud member of Gamma Phi Beta and held the position of REAL Wellness chairwoman! Celina is a senior double majoring in Sociology and Political Science as well as double minoring in social work and child development. With her career, she hopes to help children and families from a political standpoint. 

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

Feeling more involved in Panhellenic. Knowing the accomplishments of other chapters is such an unsaid satisfaction because when they win we win. It’s so important to celebrate each other and I feel like Philia is the perfect place to do so.

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

Through getting us involved in other chapters' accomplishments and simply working on a team with other chapter women. You can not really know the details of another’s accomplishments without Philia in my opinion. I didn’t know the details of other chapters' philanthropic involvements, accomplishments, and even things their members do if it wasn’t for Philia. I can honestly say that Philia made me fall more in love with Panhellenic. 

Thanks to Philia…

I found a new purpose for myself in Panhellenic. I always believed my role was just in my chapter but I’ve earned that the community is far bigger than that. By falling in love with the bigger picture I’ve fallen more in love with my chapter, and what’s not good about that?

Devyn T., Writer 

Serves in the sisterhood of Alpha Phi as the Director of Social Events! Devyn is a senior majoring in Editing, Writing & Media and minoring in Communications. She loves how uplifting every person in the community is, no matter what chapter, as she feels there is always an outpouring amount of support from everyone!

What would you say your favorite part about being on staff has been:

I would say both the opportunities to meet new women involved in both Philia and the Panhellenic community as a whole. Just being able to meet and sit down to talk with women, most of the time about things they’re really passionate about in their own chapter or life is really exciting. It’s honestly inspiring to see how much work the people I have met put into their passions.

How do you feel Philia connects the Panhellenic community: 

I think through Philia's efforts to highlight every chapter's successes, automatically facilitates a community of support between all chapters and members of Panhellenic. Not only are women being highlighted for their individual success but they can also celebrate the successes of other women in their community.

Thanks to Philia

I have been given the outlet to do what I love, write, along with the added bonus of meeting tons of amazing women. ​​


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