Let’s Get Physical 

Writer: Celina P. / Editor: Ariana W.

Once you join the Panhellenic community, you find sisters with every woman in all seventeen chapters. Many women may not fully understand how this happens, but everyday women across the community find themselves finding common interests and bonding with others in unique ways. Maybe it's at a football game waiting for a hotdog, or she's your dorm roommate, or perhaps you even get paired to do a gym class together. The women of Delta Gamma (DG) and Alpha Phi (A Phi) found togetherness in a gym class, working towards a similar goal, fitness, and friendship.

Panhellenic Delegates work together every semester to plan joint bonding events for their chapters. These "sisterhood pairings" aim to help women create friendships across every chapter in our community. These events have always been highly successful for everyone involved and have established lasting connections. So when it came to planning an event that would bring sisters together, Pilar L. of DG and Elisabeth W. of A Phi decided on a cardio dance-style workout class. 

Pilar explained why a workout class, "We thought a workout would be a fun way to get the chapters involved in the event. We also thought a dance cardio class would be great because everyone loves Zumba, so that's why we went with Drip Drop Fitness!" followed by Elisabeth stating that "we wanted to do something to keep our sisters healthy and active!"

All seventeen of our chapters are working towards a similar goal, empowering women. When it comes to cardio dance-style workout classes, there is bound to be difficulty with the athleticism and moments where the movements are out of someone's comfort zone. DG and A Phi sisters were able to hype each other up and laugh even in difficult moments. Elizabeth W. states that in the moments where the class felt the hardest, as a group, they were able to "motivate and inspire women we just met to keep pushing on." which to some may feel difficult because of freshly meeting someone. Still, in Panhellenic, the women see each other for her strengths and will remind her of said strength even when she feels incapable. 

Pilar described how this sisterhood pairing inspired her, "I think always opening people's horizon to the other women in other chapters is a great way to remind everyone we're a part of a community and not just our chapter." Elisabeth agreed to say, "These events make us remember how everyone in the Panhellenic community has a connection, and it doesn't matter what combination of letters you align yourself with. We all share common interests, including valuing genuine connections."

Connection and pairing have similar definitions, which makes the purpose of these events so meaningful. Paired women can find inspiration, friends, memories, and even new hobbies through events. Panhellenic has numerous ways to get involved with other chapters, but many find their start in these pairings. When one woman shows you her strength, it reminds you of your own. As a community, we continue to find ways to support each other. Whether through philanthropy events, fundraising for outside charities, or even dancing in the basement of a chapter house with women you've just met. Sisterhood knows no limits, and the women of DG and A Phi know that honestly and will cherish the memories made in their event.


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