No Place Like Home

Writer: Alyssa C. / Editor and Graphic Designer: Savannah T. / Photos submitted by Chapter

Living in a sorority house is one of the many experiences unique to our Panhellenic community. It is not often that you get the opportunity to live with 40+ people let alone those you share a bond of sisterhood with. While every chapter house looks and operates differently, the feeling of connectedness living in-house provides in Panhellenic wide. Despite the COVID-19 restrictions that changed some of rules of life in-house, these four sisters of Kappa Delta have found a way to turn this unprecedented semester into a positive experience.

Responses have been edited for clarity.

Tell us about yourselves: 

Sarah R. (SR): I am a Junior studying Family and Child Sciences. I am from Jupiter, Florida.

Allison B. (AB): Junior, studying Finance and Risk Management Insurance. I am from New Orleans, Louisiana.

Abbie D. (AD): I am a Sophomore majoring in Exercise Physiology. I’m from Tallahassee, FL.

How many years have you lived in house? 

SR: I have lived in the house for two years and by the time I graduate, I will be in the house for three years. 

AB: This is my first year living in house and I am planning on living in house again next year! 

AD: This is my first semester living in the house.

What made you want to live in house?

SR: My sister lived in the house during her time at FSU and I heard all the amazing things that came out of it. I was also looking forward to getting more involved with my chapter and sisters. 

AB: I wanted to live in house to be close to all my friends and bond with people in my sorority that I wasn’t as close with before. 

AD: Ever since I was younger, my mom would bring me to the KD house and parade me around the rooms, I knew if I ever joined a sorority I would want to live in the house. Fast forward to when I first joined KD, I definitely knew I wanted to live in the house at some point, I just wasn’t sure exactly when my time would come. When It came time to figure out living arrangements for our sophomore year, the opportunity to live in house just presented itself, and my friends and I decided to go for it and now we’re so glad we did.

How has living in house been during the pandemic?


SR: I am House Manager so planning and regulating the house during the Pandemic with our House Mother and House Corp, was challenging. Living in house is a bit different with no guests but I feel that some of us are closer since we hang-out with each other. It is also weird due to us having to wear masks but that seems to be the new normal now, so it isn't too bad.

AB: Living in the house during the pandemic has been easier than expected. Our House Corp has made many accommodations to make sure we live in a safe and hospitable environment.

AD: I am even more grateful to be living in house during the pandemic because without many social events, in-person classes, and everyone being around as much as normal, it’s so nice to be living with so many people because there’s always someone around.

What is your favorite part of living in house?

SR: My favorite part of living in the house is always having someone to hang out with or talk too. There is always something going on in the house so if you are ever bored, you will always be entertained. I also love how close I am to my House Mother; she is always someone I can confide in and find comfort of home away from home. 

AB: My favorite part of living in house is hanging out with our house mom, Landis! We love running errands with her and hearing her advice on life. 

AD: My favorite part of living in house is always having someone around. Whether it’s after a long day of school or after a long night, I love coming home and having everyone pile in our room either sharing stories or just talking about whatever is going on. 

What is your best memory from living in the KD house?

SR: My best memory from living in the KD house was our first gameday of my first year. Someone brought a speaker upstairs and blasts the war chant and everyone was getting ready together and having so much fun before our first gameday. 

AB: My favorite memory from living in house is when we all helped pierce my friend Sarah’s ears.

AD: My best memory is definitely the many, many dance parties that go on between our room and the rooms across the hall.

Do you feel more connected to your chapter because you live in house? 

SR: I do feel more connected. Not only do I have friends with girls I never would have been friends with without living in the house, I also took on so many leadership roles. It has been an honor to be House Manager and to be a role model and leader to so many amazing women. 

AB: Yes, I have gotten much closer with my best friends and even girls I was not as close with prior to living in house. 

AD: I 100% feel more connected to my chapter because I live in house. I’m around the girls I live with all day every day, I’m downstairs at every meal, I’m more in the know about what’s going on, and I’m more involved simply by just being around all the time. 

Would you recommend living in house to your sisters? 

SR: YES! Living in the house is not only a way to feel connected with friends or your chapter but it is a great way to grow as a person. You learn new things about yourself surrounded by so many amazing people. Also, we have our whole lives to live in apartments or houses so when will someone ever get the chance again to live in a house of 40+ girls! 

AB: Yes, it is a wonderful opportunity that you only have a few years to experience! 

AD: Yes, I definitely recommend living in house to anyone!! Whether it’s just for one year or three, I think it’s an experience everyone should have and no one would ever regret. 

Living in your sorority house is an excellent way to build deeper relationships with other sisters in your chapter. It’s also a great way to get the most out of your Panhellenic experience. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, living in the KD house is an experience that these sisters have cherished. While some aspects of life in the house have changed, one thing stays constant, their sisterhood. 


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