Not Your Traditional Initiation

Writer: Shaina F. / Editors: Caroline M. and Savannah T. / Photos submitted by Chapter / Graphic Design: Savannah T.

Initiation, along with ritual as a whole, is a very central aspect of the sorority experience. It is something that defines the chapter as a whole and holds a different meaning for each individual member. This year, initiation looked very different. With restrictions on in-person events due to COVID-19 and knowing what a milestone this is in the path of sisterhood, the women of Sigma Delta Tau came together to make this experience as special for their newest pledge class as they could.

As with most ritual experiences, initiation would typically be an all-day event. The members of the pledge class would sit in the house all day, reminiscing on their new member experience, and preparing to become initiated chapter women. Due to obvious circumstances, this entire process was moved to be virtual, cutting down the time commitment tremendously. In doing this, it allowed the new members to focus on the ritual itself and what it means. 

Ritualist Lindsey W. explains, “As the Ritualist, I want the true meaning of each ritual to be portrayed and evident during each ceremony. Rituals are very important to me because it is something special we can all experience together to not only bring us closer but to also educate us about our wonderful chapter.” 

Lindsey explained that throughout their ceremony, the women leading it would pause in order to educate the members watching on the symbols they were being shown and the words they were saying. In doing this, a stronger connection was able to be formed with the ritual ceremony itself. Although not all in one room, throughout their Zoom, the newest pledge class was reminded that they were experiencing this together and following in other women’s footsteps.

Along with their ritual explanations, Sigma Delta Tau put in every small effort into making this a “normal” of initiation as possible. One such measure they took to do this, was allowing parents and alumni onto the Zoom call, so that they could experience this with their daughters. 

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Newly initiated member Jenna R. says, “My mom was on the initiation call as both a parent and sister of Sigma Delta Tau. She was telling me afterwards how many memories this brought back for her, and it made me feel a lot happier knowing that my mom was there to share the same experience as me. It also allowed me to bond with her, knowing that this was the same initiation she had over thirty years ago.”

To try and make it even more special, throughout the ceremony they included videos from women in nationals along with past national presidents. 

Lindsey explains, “This was very special because they were able to see faces that worked hard behind our sorority to make it what it is today. The video was very personal to the PC. It was also very special because this is the first time any PC has been given the opportunity to see these wonderful women who helped build our chapter during initiation.”

A strong theme that was emulated throughout this initiation, is the inclusion and sisterhood that is found through ritual. It enables current members to connect with those of the past, and it is a bonding experience between those who are initiated together. New Member Educator Anna B. says, “It’s nice being able to remind them this is why you’re here. We want you in this chapter. We want you to stay.” 

Through the love and support that came from those before them, along with the dedication from the executive board and new member team, the new members of Sigma Delta Tau were still able to have a very special initiation. Although it looked very different from that of previous years, PC’20 has had an initiation that they will now always look back on and cherish.


Sincerely, Sisterhood


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