Recruiting 101: How to have the best Recruitment Experience

Writer: Alyssa C. / Editors: Caroline M. and Savannah T.

Recruitment is an exciting time for all Panhellenic women. Getting to meet potential new members and spend time with your sisters can be some of the most memorable moments from your Panhellenic experience. However, for some, pre-recruitment and recruiting can be exhausting and difficult. Never fear! Follow these tips and you can have a positive recruiting experience.

#1 Make your PNM feel comfortable

As a recruiter, it is your responsibility to guide the conversation. Making your potential new member feel comfortable can make your conversations and overall experience more enjoyable. Start by active listening, and asking follow-up questions about whatever the PNM talks about. Keep in mind there are many types of women that go through recruitment. Using inclusive language about any of these topics can make your PNM feel welcome. Be aware of what can be a  touchy subject like politics, religion, and COVID. Let the PNM lead the conversation.

#2 Try to remember PNM’s names

Talking to multiple women all day can be long and conversations can begin to run together, but remembering and using a PNM’s name when speaking to them can make them feel special. Even simply saying, “It was nice talking to you _____” can show that you actually listened to them and cared about what they had to say. Especially on the off chance you happen to talk to this woman again on a later round, remembering names or writing them down is extremely helpful!

#3 Don’t forget to make time for yourself

This process can be stressful on both sides. Do not forget to take moments for yourself. Whether that’s getting food with friends at the end of the day, getting on TikTok between parties, or not talking about recruitment when you get home; setting boundaries for yourself and prioritizing your mental health is extremely important. Lean on your sisters when you are feeling overwhelmed and tired too. Being there for one another is what sisterhood is all about!

#4 Be honest with PNM’s

If you are feeling tired, stressed, or nervous, be honest with your PNM about it! Most PNMs are also feeling the same way so this can provide some common ground for both of you to bond over. PNMs could potentially be encouraged to open up with the understanding that they aren’t isolated in their experience. Honesty is the best policy if a PNM asks you about something with your chapter or chapter dues. As mentioned earlier, everyone’s financial status is different so transparency is important.

#5 Look for women who will bring something to your chapter

Every chapter is different, and every chapter needs different things. Looking for women who will not only fit into your chapter but will bring something to the table. Maybe recruiting women who seek leadership opportunities, or women who are involved in other organizations on campus, women who can offer different experiences and perspectives will only make your chapter and sisterhood stronger.

#6 Be Yourself

This is one of the most important and most quoted phrases when it comes to recruiting, but it’s because it is true. PNMs won’t be able to get a feel for you or your chapter if you put up a front. Being yourself can allow for better and more honest conversations. Being true to who you are will also help you find new sisters that will call your chapter home. Authenticity helps women decipher where is the best fit. Recruitment is already a draining process, but being yourself and being open can help to make it more worthwhile in the end. 

#7 Don’t panic when it gets silent

Not every conversation is going to flow smoothly and that’s okay. Don’t panic or freak out if there is a lull or awkward pause. Having an open-ended question in your head to ask a PNM when the conversation starts lagging is a great way to end the awkward pauses. Some of my favorite questions are: If you could dine with anyone dead or alive who would it be and why? What is something you are passionate about? Or what is your favorite thing about your best friend?

#8 Not every conversation has to be a deep one

Some women take a while to warm up to you and some don’t like opening up. Just because your conversation doesn’t lead to tears, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good one. Not every woman you talk to will want to open up and that’s okay. Don’t press them for details if they don’t seem receptive. As someone who was the PNM that didn’t want to open up, some of my favorite conversations were about TV shows and smoothies. Don’t get discouraged if you have similar conversations, remember that every PNM is different.

#9 If your favorite PNM doesn’t join your chapter, don’t get upset

The best part of the Panhellenic community is that despite our different chapters, we can all still be friends. Panhellenic in and of itself is a sisterhood. When we support our organizations together we can do so much. Just because your favorite PNM does not join your chapter doesn’t mean you never have to see them again. Recruitment is about finding the place you feel most comfortable, your home. 

While recruiting can be a long and intimidating undertaking, it can also be a memorable, fun time. Using these tips, your experience as a recruiter can be enjoyable, positive, and help you get some great new sisters by the end!


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