Becoming a Rho Gamma

Writer: Shaina F. / Editor: Savannah T.

The recruitment process includes a multitude of pieces that all fit together to form a complete picture. Between everything else going on, the chapters, the potential new members, and Panhellenic as a whole fit the Rho Gammas. Rho Gammas enable a smooth process and act as a lesion for the PNM’s towards their future in Panhellenic.

Due to the effects of COVID-19, recruitment, for the second year in a row, will be appearing in a different format than what is usually intended. Unlike last year, however, now there is an advance notice about this hybrid setting of recruitment, and the future Rho Gamma’s are being trained with this in mind. 

What have you learned through the process of becoming a Recruitment Counselor?

A common theme seen when answering this question was the shock at how much these women still had to learn in order to be an emotionally intelligent leader. There are many skills that must be learned in order to become a Rho Gamma that these women had not foreseen.

Gabby D. (GD): “We really dive into what makes us who we are and I mean, I’ve always taken fun Buzzfeed quizzes and personality tests in the past, but going through this process has really opened us up to parts of ourselves that we rarely think and talk about. We’ve learned about what makes us different and what also connects us and it’s been so much fun.” 

Samantha A. (SA): “It has also helped me be more understanding of other people, you just don't know what someone is going through and it's really educated me beyond what I could have imagined and I am so grateful for that.”

Emma W. (EW): “Something that has surprised me with the process of becoming a Recruitment Counselor is the amount of prep work that goes into the entire process. The amount of learning about yourselves, working together as a team, and then understanding our future PNM’s is much more than most people probably expect.”

How has the hybrid experience affected the connections you are making?

A significant part of being a Rho Gamma is the connections that you are able to make with the other recruitment counselors and in the future with their PNM’s. During the learning process, however, the women are mostly separated from each other, which makes it very difficult to form a community and connect as Recruitment Counselors. Despite these challenges, the women are doing all that they can to ensure as strong of a connection as possible.

Ashley R. (AR): “Through Zoom breakout rooms to going on lady dates, I have met such an amazing group of people that I can’t wait to work  with next fall.”

Andrea H. (AH): “A major part of being a rho gamma is meeting other rho gammas but it is hard to do that with the hybrid experience. However, for the past few weeks, we have been paired with other potential recruitment counselors to go get coffee with or FaceTime which has been one of my favorite parts of this experience so far!”

Claire M. (CM): “Zoom can be challenging and is definitely an adjustment, but it is the new reality. The recruitment counselor staff does an amazing job making sure the experience is effective and exciting, so I enjoy this experience a lot. It makes the few times we are in person, even more special.”

“How has the experience been as a Team Leader?”

After being a Rho Gamma, women have the opportunity to become a Team Leader. Team Leaders help guide and mentor the future Recruitment Counselors during their learning process.

Kiersten M. (KM): “So the experience as a team leader is different because instead of being the ones experiencing the activities we do for the first time, I’m helping the women that are potential recruitment counselors to learn more about themselves and others, but that’s not to say that I don’t still learn something new every time we have class.”

Kenley N. (KN): “Being a team leader has definitely been a change, but there are many similarities to what being a Recruitment Counselor was like. In the same sense, you’re acting as a mentor to women in our community who are excited and passionate about the recruitment process!” 

“What was your recruitment experience and how did your Rho Gamma affect it?”

AH: My rho gamma really helped me during my recruitment experience and I want to be able to do the same to my PNMs. I have gotten really involved in Panhellenic through CORE and Emerging Leaders, and I knew this opportunity would give me the chance to further my leadership potential in my chapter and Panhellenic as a whole.”

Katelyn D (KD): “I look forward to caring, supporting and listening to the women who are having a tough time during the recruitment process. I know how difficult recruitment was and I remember how much I trusted in my Rho Gamma.”

“Why did you become a Rho Gamma?”

Becoming a Rho Gamma is no easy task. The women must go through applications and are selected for the position out of a large pool of applicants. Those who receive the position are truly passionate individuals who feel a strong calling to be a Recruitment Counselor.

AR: “I am looking forward to running back home with my new members since I serve as my chapter’s New Member Educator. Being a recruitment counselor as I go into teaching the newest member class will help me immensely because I will understand what these new members have just gone through and can help them find themselves in Greek life.” 

Megan S. (MS): “The aspect I look forward to the most from being a rho gamma is being a role model and helping students who are away from home find a place they are comfortable and happy with!”

EW: “Being a Recruitment Counselor means friendship, servant leadership, and guiding women to their home away from home. I am honored to help and support women throughout their college years by being their friend and recruitment counselor!”

GD: “You are essentially their big sister through the process. Rho gammas are there for late-night talks, for early morning laughter and everything in between. This process is about the potential new members and their experience, and rho gammas are there to help them enjoy it. In my opinion, to be a rho gamma is to be the most selfless person you can be.”

“How does being a Rho Gamma connect you to Panhellenic?”

SA: “Being a Rho Gamma to me just means caring for one another. Showing that we are apart of a bigger community being not just a woman from our own sorority but also a Panhellenic woman. We are all a part of this bigger process and we all represent one another, and even though we may be in different chapters, we all want to help each other find our place.”

At the end of the day, being a Rho Gamma is a distinct honor for any Panhellenic woman. It shows the grace with which these women have and the passion that they hold for Panhellenic as a whole. In agreeing to not disclose their chapter during recruitment, the Rho Gamma’s are devoting themselves to ensuring that every PNM finds their home with their chapter.

Good luck in recruitment! We have an amazing selection of Rho Gamma’s to meet.


A Smile is Worth a Thousand Words 


Recruiting 101: How to have the best Recruitment Experience