Remote and Local Sisters

Writer: Ilana S. / Editors: Natalie C. and Savannah T. / Photos submitted by chapter / Graphic Design: Savannah T.

In a semester full of twists, turns, and fluid changes, one thing has remained constant: sisterhood. Although it has been challenging, to say the least, every single one of our 17 panhellenic chapters has been doing everything they can and pulling out all the stops to ensure that we keep up the morale and feeling of community within our sisterhoods. Although this looks different in every chapter and for every member, this semester has shown extreme differences for sisters that chose to stay remote and sisters who chose to come back and do this online semester from Tallahassee. Nonetheless, the morale is high, and with many events to engage virtual and local sisters, the panhellenic community is still thriving under this new normal. 

With many different reasons to stay remote this semester, many Panhellenic sisters chose to stick out the semester at home, away from Tallahassee. 

Introduce yourself: 

Brianna W. (BW): I’m a sophomore Advertising major from Coral Springs, FL, and I’m in Delta Delta Delta.

Hannah A. (HA): I’m a junior Chinese language and culture and International affairs major from Clearwater, FL, and I’m an Alpha Omicron Pi. 

Payton L. (PL): I’m a sophomore Biology major from Orlando, FL, and I’m a Zeta Tau Alpha

Taylor B. (TB): I’m a junior English education major from Orlando, FL, and I’m a Delta Zeta.

Why did you choose to stay remote?

BW: I chose to stay remote because all my classes and clubs were a fully virtual format and I didn’t want to risk my health if it wasn’t necessary. 

HA: All of my classes were online and my parents did not feel safe with me going back up to Tallahassee (due to COVID.)

What do you miss most about being in Tallahassee? 

BW: My routine and the local places I would always visit, as well as my independence.

TB: I miss being able to see my friends in Tallahassee the most. It takes away some of the feeling of being in college when I can’t go see my sorority sisters and friends anytime we want.

What do you miss most about your chapter?

HA:  I miss the sisterhood events! 

PL: I miss just being able to go into the house in general. 

How have you been able to stay connected with your chapter?

PL: Almost all our meetings are through zoom and some events are even through zoom, so I can still feel like I’m a part of everything.

TB: I’ve kept in touch individually with my DZ sisters. Also, Delta Zeta has also done a lot of things to try to keep the remote sisters involved, whether that’s offering events on zoom, or sending us things so we can still participate. 

What is something specific your chapter has done to keep you engaged from home? 

BW: Tri Delta started a book club that meets over zoom to keep us connected. 

HA: A lot of our sisterhood events are being done over zoom! We’ve had charcuterie and Netflix party events. I really like that they’ve gone out of their way to make these events accessible to everyone.

What is your best tip on staying connected to your sisters? 

BW: Don’t stop participating just because you’re not there. Most things are virtual anyways, so as long as you make the effort to stay involved, you can be. 

TB: I think the best tip to stay connected while studying remotely is to make sure you reach out to your sisters. I love checking in with my sisters and just staying in touch! 

Do you enjoy studying remotely?

HA: I don’t mind studying remotely, but I do miss interacting with people in person. 

PL: No, not at all, but if I was in Tallahassee it wouldn’t be any different. 

How do you tackle online classes?

BW: I made a schedule and found a routine. I try to have a workspace separate from where I sleep or relax so I can be productive. 

HA: A lot of scheduling. I wrote down every test, quiz, and assignment due date in my planner for the entire semester the first week of classes. I definitely try to do assignments during certain hours (10am-7pm) so I don’t feel like my entire day is just school. 

Do you find online classes easier or harder than in person? Which do you prefer? 

BW: I think online classes are easier in the sense that they are more straightforward, but I feel like I’m not learning as much as I should be. I prefer in person because it keeps you focused and engaged and allows you to have a routine and meet your classmates. 

TB: I find online classes to be much harder for me than in person. I prefer in person classes a lot more, because when I have an in person class I feel more motivated to do my schoolwork and be an active participant. It’s harder for me to talk during class because I don’t want to interrupt someone else over zoom.

In your opinion, do you think it would’ve been easier to be a remote student from Tallahassee instead of home?

HA: I feel that it may have been harder to be remote from Tallahassee due to how limited the places I can be at are. At home, I am free to roam around and I am able to not have to wear a mask because I’ve been home with my parent’s since March. I feel that if I was in Tallahassee, I would not be able to have as much space, and that I would essentially be confined to my room. 

PL: I think it’s the same either way. I was in Tallahassee for the first couple weeks of school and I am doing the same things I was doing in Tallahassee in Orlando!

For those of the panhellenic community members that chose to return to Tallahassee for the semester, they have been experiencing some of the same struggles as remote sisters, but are able to feel a bit closer to their second home. 

Introduce yourself: 

Cortney E. (CE): I’m a junior Media communications major from Parkland, FL, and I’m a Sigma Delta Tau.

Madesyn T. (MT): I’m a senior Political science major from Coral Springs, FL, and I’m an Alpha Phi. 

Samantha M. (SM): I’m a junior Criminology major from Palm City, FL, and I’m a Kappa Kappa Gamma. 

Stephanie B. (SB): I’m a junior Sport management major from Palm City, FL, and I’m an Alpha Delta Pi. 

Why did you choose to come to Tallahassee this semester?

CE: I chose to come to Tallahassee this semester because I wanted to be in the college environment. I focus on my work better in Tallahassee.

MT: It’s my last year as a senior, and I really just wanted to have one last year with my friends, no matter what.

How do you juggle online classes? 

CE: I watch lectures for my classes during the “scheduled” class times to keep me on track with the course material. I also print all my course schedules and add important due dates to a calendar. 

MT: I feel like for me at least, online is so much easier because I can really do everything on my own time and pace myself how I want to. I also love online because I don’t have to wake up an hour early before my class to go and fight for a spot in Traditions garage.

What has been your favorite thing about being in Tallahassee for the remote semester?

CE: Definitely living in my chapter house. Given the current circumstances, I am lucky to be able to live with 30 of my sisters and make the best memories.

SB: My favorite thing about being in Tallahassee this semester is finding cool places to explore. Because of the strange circumstances we are in, I have had the opportunity to explore many different places that I would not have had the opportunity to otherwise.

Do you feel connected to your remote sisters? In comparison to your local sisters? 

SM: No. I do feel more connected to my local sisters. It is hard to bond with sisters without getting to be around them.

SB: I definitely feel more connected to my local sisters! Being around them and seeing them at meals helps this a lot! 

Where are your favorite places to go on campus/Tallahassee to do school work safely? 

CE: I would say my top 2 favorite places to do school work right now are Landis and Sweet Shop. Both are great (and safe) environments to get work done!

MT: Strozier library and Sweet Shop for sure!

Where are your favorite places to go on campus/in Tallahassee for safe and social distanced fun? 

MT: I love going to Alfred B Maclay Gardens and Bill’s Trail.

SB: My favorite place to have fun in Tallahassee is Railroad Square! They have a bunch of cool shops, trendy restaurants, and it’s a great place to explore! If you haven’t been to Railroad Square, I highly suggest it!

Have you enjoyed this virtual semester from Tallahassee? 

SM: I haven’t enjoyed this virtual semester. I like being able to walk to classes every day and enjoy campus.

SB: I have enjoyed this semester from Tally! It is definitely different and not what I am used to, but I am enjoying it. 

Being halfway through a very interesting semester and having very new experiences across the board, it has been comforting to many knowing that their sisters and the Panhellenic community will always be there for them. This trying time has truly brought out the best of the Panhellenic community and seeing all the amazing ways everyone is able to stay connected just proves that being a member of a Panhellenic sorority at FSU is definitely worth it.


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