Scraps of Sisterhood

Writer: Mia A. / Editor: Ariana W. / Photos: Chapter Provided

Scrapbooking is defined as the art of collecting, preserving and arranging personal history into one document. Scrapbooking has been a popular pastime for centuries. The Gamma Beta chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta (Alpha Gam) is returning to their roots through monthly scrapbooking events to preserve their chapter’s history. Monday, Jan. 30th, was the first monthly get-together which included decorations, pictures, and memory-making.

A few days prior to their first scrapbooking event, Peyton K., Alpha Gam’s Director of Chapter History, sent out an online form for sister’s to upload photos for Peyton to print out and  include in the scrapbook. The event took place in Alpha Gam’s study room:with a large table with all of the uploaded pictures printed out, stickers, markers, and all the supplies needed to make their unique designs. As more members trickled in, one sister even took out a speaker to play a special playlist for sisters to sing along to while they worked. The women were able to talk and get to know each other which allowed some of the older sisters to meet their new members.

“It was amazing to see the scrapbooks from the 40s, 60s, and 90s and recent years, it really puts into perspective the beauty and importance of our sisterhood today—not just that you get to live in a big house, or say you’re in a sorority—but that you are building connections and a sisterhood that will carry us through the rest of our lives,” said Peyton.

Libbyann M., a sister of the newest member class in the Gamma Beta chapter, shared, “My favorite memory of the first scrapbooking event was being able to bond with my sisters while making the pages. I loved seeing everyone come together to show future members some of our favorite memories in the short time we have in Alpha Gam.” Sisters were able to hone their creative skills to make intricate pages detailing not only special events, but also how each woman represents the Alpha Gam motto, “Loving, Leading, Lasting,” in their day-to-day life. The individual design element ideas were very unique to each sister who attended, and working in groups on each page allowed them to collaborate and create a new vision highlighting all of their suggestions. 

Alpha Gam has a rich history illustrated in their scrapbooks, and their chapter facility still has records of books from as early as the 1920s. They even have the original charter for their chapter penned in 1926 by one of the Alpha Gam international founders, Emily Butterfield hanging on the wall. These artifacts are very near and dear to the women’s hearts as many members have spent hours going through them after finding their way home during recruitment. “Looking back on previous scrapbooks throughout the years has allowed me to be put in their shoes, almost like I’m experiencing the memories of the chapter with them,” explained Libbyann.

Currently, the Alpha Gam sisters are working on mimicking their past scrapbook styles. In the past, members would design their own personal page detailing all of their accomplishments, interests, and their closest friends. They decided to follow the same concept as it allows the scrapbook to serve not only as a record of events or the names of current sisters, but who they are as people so the future members can feel like they are getting to know their alumni on a more personal level. Furthermore, Alpha Gam created a Scrapbook Committee which will be working on the more formal pages to recount the year’s events. 

“Our members are at the forefront of the entire process and get to each have a personal role in preserving our history for years to come,” said Peyton. Along with the scrapbooking events, the Sisterhood Team and Chapter History Committee are working to recreate formerly popular events from their chapter history, including their first planned event recreated from 1927. They are hoping to use them to educate members about Alpha Gam’s past while also continuing to grow their sisterhood and community as a Panhellenic sorority.

The scrapbooking initiative connects the current active members of Alpha Gam to the alumni of almost 100 years, and allows the women to see the consistency of their sorority’s ideals of leadership, scholarship, service, and sisterhood in every page. As much as many Panhellenic women hear about the significance of the legacy of the national sorority they are in, it is hard to truly comprehend the number of sisters you have across the country. By taking part in actively preserving that legacy for future generations, the Alpha Gam chapter women feel that they are a part of something bigger that will go beyond their years here at Florida State.

“This event has brought me closer to my sisters because when I was sitting there creating my page, I realized that my sisters long before I was doing the same kind of events,” explained Katie S., a senior in Alpha Gam, “I love crafts and since this is my last semester at FSU, it was fun to document my memories in a cute and fun way to be preserved for a lifetime. It was really cool to be able to document myself and my experiences in the chapter so that one day, the future Gamma Beta’s will look back on what the chapter was like before them.”

In the hustle and bustle of the daily lives of college women, these scrapbooking events allow for some much-needed rest and relaxation away from social media and assignments. Scrapbooking, like journaling and other intentionally mindful creative activities, is very beneficial in improving mental health through an outlet to express your emotions. For many, 517 W. Park Ave. is a home away from home and is an escape from stressors that could be bringing them down. Being able to come to a warm, welcoming event where you can socialize and create something special with your sisters is an invaluable gift to many of the Gamma Beta chapter women. 


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