Sisterly Sustainable

Author: Bella B. / Editor: Ariana W. / Photos: Chapter Provided

Sisterhood can be defined as many things, depending on who you ask. It is displayed in every woman within the Panhellenic community. Sisterhood shines through the homes found within chapter facilities, by supporting philanthropies, and having set aside time to surround yourself with your sisters. One way Alpha Omicron Pi (AOII) shows it can be seen with their latest Sisterhood Event!

Platos on Pensacola was a sisterhood event where members would bring in their clothing of all kinds to exchange together; whatever was left over would be donated after the fact. The night rocked the AOII chapter and shook up everyone's busy schedules! “The clothing swap was such a good idea…as we all brought items that were in good condition looking for a new home,” stated Courtney R., a senior who has been a member of the chapter since 2019. “All of the clothes that were left unclaimed after the event were donated to a clothing drive. It was such a great sisterhood event and I love that we were able to give back throughout everything.” 

Courtney R. explained that the reason her sorority is such a home to her is because of the values they all share. She loves how at the very core, their sisterhood is built off of kindness and compassion for those around them; which was highlighted during the event.  

Multiple women remarked how while everyone was focused during the event, sorting through to find the best picks, numerous stories were being shared and connections being made; many sisters sifting through in pairs, pointing out items they could see each other wearing. 

Vice President of Operations, junior, Erin M. commented on the individuality and importance of their philanthropic community. Her favorite part was, “the fact [that] we got to combine a sisterhood event and giving back to our community by giving the leftover clothes to Goodwill.” She further agreed with Courtney R. that kindness and caring attributes run deep within the AOII community.

“I think [the event] was great to bring people together over something as small as a clothing swap and it was fun to look around and talk to other people to see what clothes they got.”

One common theme from all the women's memories after attending was that the event could not have taken place without their Vice President of Membership Experience, Serenity R.. “I got the idea based off of my New Year’s resolution to get rid of old clothes and I figured other people would want the same!” And she hit it right on the head; creating an uplifting event that members like Anna K. were glad they didn’t miss.

“We organized all the items onto different tables…and then it was shopping time! Serenity also got us Auntie Annie's pretzels to snack on after. It felt really nice to do something fun that's also sustainable. I would say it was a mission accomplished and I'm really glad I went!”  

Serenity makes it sound easy but, just like Anna K., all the women remarked on the attention to detail and the build-up of smaller features that built an overall grand time. Especially the sustainable factor of it all; AOII is even a certified green chapter through Florida State University's (FSU) Sustainable Campus organization. Displaying the vitalness to not just the connection of their women hood, but giving back through their community. 

“I wanted it to be like similar to thrifting so I wanted a really open space where everyone could see everything. I love clothes and always have but I have a bad habit of holding onto [them] for way too long…I felt like giving everyone an opportunity to really go through and consider what clothes they don’t need anymore would be a fun way to get rid of clothes while also having the chance to get new stuff!” 

AOII’s Platos on Pensacola goes to show that sisterhood can be shown in so many ways, and when it comes down to it; whatever brings everyone together during a busy week, is always a success. 


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