Together in Tuft Times

Writer: Isabella B. / Editors: Bella B. and Ariana W. / Photographer: Elizabeth C.

It’s always good to try new things, especially when it comes to taking a big leap in your career. Sami S., a senior studying studio art in Sigma Delta Tau (Sig Delt), never expected herself to become a small business owner, especially during her first year at Florida State University. “I remember getting a knock on my dorm room door and I saw my now-co-owner. We met at Sweet Shop and that’s where he proposed a business venture, where I would create and tuft rugs and he would focus on the ‘not-so-fun’ stuff. Soon thereafter, Hygge Rugs was created,” Sami mentioned. Since she has always had an affinity for creating art, working with him to create designs and tuft rugs as he focuses on the business aspect of Hygge Rugs just made sense. “I’ve always had an interest in the arts so when I was given the opportunity to co-own a rug business, the decision was clear,” Sami said.  

From FSU rugs to car coasters, Sami has found multiple ways of showcasing her artwork within the College of Entrepreneurship. Beginning with showcasing at Market Wednesday, she has been determined to leave her mark on campus. “My favorite events are the art galleries because I’m able to bring together the College of Fine Arts and the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship,” Sami said. She emphasized that she loves to see new faces and create connections within her college, especially when she can get involved in unique ways. She mentioned that while this helps with her academics it also helps her find new ways of branching out. 

While she finds a strong support system within the college of entrepreneurship, Sami mentioned that the Panhellenic community is where she finds the biggest involvement. She joined Sig Delt in her sophomore year and admitted that her sisters make her feel proud to be a business owner. “This community is so awesome, it makes the school feel so much smaller.” Within Sig Delt, her sisters find ways to incorporate Sami’s business into their chapter, especially during philanthropy events. Sami recalls receiving a call from her big letting her know that a bidding war over one of her rugs was happening, which the chapter president’s mother won. “It made me feel so proud and involved within my chapter, I can’t thank my Vice President of Philanthropy enough! It’s these things that make me want to continue with my business,” she said. 

Although starting a small business was never truly on her to-do list, Sami advises others to get out of their comfort zone and start one especially if it’s something that has been on their mind. Sami explains, “there are tons of resources to help you get started, so go for it! Either way, you’re going to learn something new!” Next year, Sami will begin her master’s in interior design at FSU, and while her undergrad years are soon coming to an end, she knows that the connections and friendships she has made at Sig Delt are forever. “From the moment I walked in the house during recruitment, I knew that this would be my ‘home away from home,’” Sami said. Their constant comfort and assistance are something she will cherish forever, and will help her continue driving her small business. “I didn’t realize it at the moment but my sisters’ support is such a confidence booster; they are my true inspiration,” Sami concluded.


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