A Sweet Retreat

Author: Amie S. / Editor: Bella B. and Ariana W. / Photos: Chapter Provided

“The new member retreat serves as an introduction to sorority life, and most importantly to the members of that chapter,” says Megan M., the Education Vice President (EVP) for Gamma Phi Beta (Gamma Phi). Gamma Phi’s new member retreat this past February in which both new members and initiated sisters come together to celebrate the new members’ soon-to-be official entrance into the sisterhood.

Traditionally, a new member retreat is the first experience for newly joined sisters to meet initiated sisters. Megan, who was responsible for planning the retreat, says, “being a new member is overwhelming and with this retreat being the very first event they go to I wanted to create a feeling of comfort,” and she was able to do just that. Gamma Phi centered theirs around self care, offering make-your-own sweet açaí bowls from The Good Berry and yoga lessons taught by a member of another Panhellenic chapter for some extra community.

“My favorite part of the yoga class was when the instructor began playing her ukulele and singing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ to us. It was so relaxing and she was extremely talented,” says Carrie K., an initiated sister who attended the retreat. This is a great opportunity for sisters to meet and mingle, and for new bonds to be formed. For members already initiated in the chapter, this was also a meaningful retreat as it gave them a chance to meet the newest members and build connections.

Due to rainy weather that morning, Gamma Phi’s members needed to change plans at the last minute. While the event was originally planned to be held on Langford Green, they had to act on the spot with moving the event indoors. They offered 30-minute shifts for sisters to learn yoga poses, and then eat with their friends. Moving the event into the house worked even better than expected! Elizabeth N., the Education Vice President Assistant, said that despite the changes, being surrounded by sisterhood in the chapter facility was more than welcome.

Emily R. is a new member who attended the retreat and emphasized that the event was a meaningful time for her to meet new sisters. “Yoga was the perfect activity as we all got a chance to relax and enjoy each other’s company.” She explains that the event made her even more excited to be part of Gamma Phi, and that the sorority has been very supportive and welcoming in all they do. The yoga class was designed to stretch the sister’s bodies, minds, and hearts. “Going to this retreat made me feel like I had found my place in this chapter,” she says. 

Headbands with Gamma Phi’s letters on them were given to all members to wear while doing yoga to make the new sisters feel even more loved and included. Wearing the headbands meant so much more than just a new piece of merchandise. The planning committee for the retreat described the headbands as important because it was something special that allowed everyone to match throughout the events. To many new members on the retreat, the feeling of getting their first shirt, bracelet, or even headband with the chapter’s letters means the world. It’s a piece of the sisterhood the new members are able to display and show others proudly. 

The retreat, as a whole, resembles just that: a piece of the chapter that the newest members can now hold and take with them. The memories from this day will stick with them as they blossom into the sisterhood. A new member retreat is a special experience for everyone in a chapter. Carrie says, “I cherish the small moments that happen at retreats like this where after fun activities we can bond, laugh, and reflect on the memories we get to make together.”


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