Thank You For Your Love

Author: Celina P. / Editor: Ariana W. and Bella B. / Photos: Chapter Provided

There’s so much that goes into sorority life, and a strong chapter. The values, the women who participate, the philanthropy, and the memories. All of this can create a home, a safe place, for the women involved. In each chapter, there are women who showcase the values through and through, and the sisters are forever appreciative of this continuous effort to make the founders of their chapters proud. The women of Alpha Delta Pi, (ADPi) see the continuous effort to not only be a lending hand but voice of love in sister Haley B. In the words of her sisters, “She has given everything to ADPi to make it feel like a genuine sisterhood. Haley is honest and kind while also being able to respectively hold sisters accountable when necessary. She is incredibly empathetic and would go to the ends of the Earth to make sure that through everything, ADPi feels like a safe space to recharge or lean on a sister.” With such a positive impact on her chapter, it’s important to hear from her on what motivates such an amazing woman in her chapter, Panhellenic, but most of all any community she enters. 

Responses have been edited for clarity

Your sisters described you as honest & kind while also being able to respectfully hold sisters accountable, why do you find this statement to be true?

Haley B.(HB): To be described as honest and kind is one of the most rewarding and heartfelt compliments I could receive. In a chapter of such amazing women, it’s easy to treat each other with the utmost love and respect, because it’s genuine. For the same reason, I am able to hold my sisters accountable because I make sure to treat them with mutual respect in return. I would never ask anything of my sisters that I wouldn’t be prepared to do myself. When you’re able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, it gives you a greater perspective to be open-minded to everyone’s circumstances.

Why do you feel making any space you inhabit safe is so important?:

HB: I think it’s important to always make any place you inhabit a safe space because you never know what others are going through and who may need your support. The Alpha Delta Pi house is a safe space for any sister to feel welcomed and accepted. I always make an effort to make the room always open to others who may need a chat or just a quiet place.

 ADPi’s values are scholarship, leadership, service to others, and sisterhood. In what ways do you apply these values to not only your life as a member but also in daily life? Which value do you connect to the most and why?:

HB: When reflecting on our values as a chapter, they come so easily because they are just a part of who we are. Being a leader doesn’t always mean being the loudest in the room or the person with the highest title. It means being there for others, even when they don’t ask for it. I can demonstrate these attributes by going out of my way to have a connection with someone each and every day. Whether that means sitting with someone new at lunch, asking my roommate how her day is, or simply holding the door open for someone as they walk into the house. It's the little things that really mean the most to us in the long run. Personally, I connect the most with the values of service. The simple act of lending a helping hand can transform the course of someone's day. I try to go about my days not knowing what others have been through and being open-minded to helping others no matter what. You never know when someone is at their lowest, and sometimes, all they need is a smile or a kind gesture to help them get through a rough day.

Who has inspired you to be who you are today, value-wise or in general?

HB: The person who has inspired me the most to be who I am today is my older sister, Brooke. Growing up, I looked up to Brooke in everything that I did. My whole life, she provided me with the most incredible outlook on life and the ability to make things happen for myself, no matter how hard it may be.

What message do you hope to leave behind for your chapter once you graduate?:

HB: When I graduate, I hope I will leave behind a legacy of treating others with kindness. People will remember how you made them feel. I hope people remember me as someone who made them feel loved, honored, and respected no matter what.


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