A Very Good Read, With Pi Beta Phi

Author: Celina P. / Editor: Ariana W. / Photos: Chapter Provided

Reading is an activity that’ll spark imagination in just about anyone. It’ll bring you to new worlds, teach you lessons of friendship and romance, and even make you feel less alone when a character's life experiences reflect your own. With such a beauty surrounding reading, it’s heartbreaking to know that one in every four kids will grow up not knowing how to read. Childhood illiteracy can affect performance in school, ability to gain information in the world around them, and close the beautiful world of literature off completely. The women of Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) know this statistic and reality of millions of children and through their philanthropy Read>Lead>Achieve.They work passionately to not only improve literacy among children but remind children that they are capable of skills they once thought could never be attained. 

Throughout the scholastic year, the women of Pi Phi work enthusiastically with their philanthropy. With events like All Fraternity Revue, book donation drives, The Literacy Advocacy Project, and Champions are Readers we see the passionate dedication the women of Pi Phi have to their philanthropy. One philanthropic program gives these women an opportunity to not only work towards the goal of ending childhood illiteracy, but to get hands-on experience with the children they work so hard for. 

Champions are Readers (CAR) is Pi Phi’s unique and engaging enrichment program for students in the prekindergarten to third grade age range. Through CAR the women of Pi Phi are given the opportunity to spend time reading to children, and in time motivate the children to not only further their reading skills but enjoy the process. Taking place at Springwood Elementary weekly from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. the elementary age children and the women of Pi Phi alike learn and find new reasons to love reading together. Although it may seem like reading to children at school is simple, this act of service has been proven to not only move and inspire the minds of the kindergarten through third grade students of Springwood but the Pi Phi sisters as well. 

When asked what they have learned through participating in Champions are Readers, Ella S. answered “I’ve learned a lot about elementary education. These early years are ‘so easy’ and we’re reading simple books but this ‘easy coursework is so fundamental to development. You make such an impact on these kids by helping them learn to read as it’s a basic life skill that everyone needs to have just to walk through life”. Maria D. of Pi Phi had a similar sentiment when asked the question, answering “Books and written words are everywhere in life and having a strong foundation in reading can really change a life. Through book drives, raising money, philanthropy events, and getting hands-on experience with children, I have become more knowledgeable in the impact that we can all have on other people's lives by sharing the skills that we have.” 

Philanthropy helps so many communities in need, but many forget that it also helps those who decide to assist the communities. The women of Pi Phi recognize the privilege so many of them have, which is the ability to read, and lend a loving hand to local Tallahassee students who teach the women that even though the task seems simple the impact is far more detailed. A chapter built on six core values, all in which members exemplify year round, there are two spotlighted through CAR, integrity and intellect. Integrity is defined as being honest and possessing strong morals. Intellect can be related to intelligence but many view it as the talent of understanding. The women of Pi Beta Phi use these two morals as tools in Champions for Readers and how they hope to reach each child attending Springwood Elementary. The honesty the women have in knowing their privilege allows them to better assist the children and helps the women themselves reach new found goals in their philanthropic goals.

When asked the question “How can the rest of Panhellenic help with your chapter's philanthropic goals for the year?” sister Chelsi B. stated “The Panhellenic community can help with our future philanthropic goals by attending our fall philanthropy events, and also donating books we can take to the school to donate or even take with us to read”. This answer sends a very important message and that's how together we as a Panhellenic community can learn from each other and help one another. Pi Beta Phi has shown that even the “simple tasks” have a much stronger impact if done together.


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