Cultivating an Everlasting Friendship

Author: Lindsey A. / Editor: Ariana W. / Photos: Chapter Provided

“I was looking for someone who just was genuine and had a sweetheart and I one-hundred percent found it with my little. She is the most caring, outgoing, lovable person and I knew that from the second that I met her” -Emily

The “big little” process is one of the most anticipated parts of being a new member in the Panhellenic community. Each chapter invites new members to find a best friend, mentor, role model, and future bridesmaid in their “big sister”. This excitement is what leads to the special phenomena that occurs between sisters as they find their person(s) and the exceptional bond that follows the reveal. Recently, Kappa Delta (KD) held their big little reveal at Wescott Fountain and welcomed new sisters into their “families” with a bunch of different themes and excitement all around! 

In KD, the process of finding your big or little is a unique process. The new members are paired with an older sister for two weeks to act as a guide for the new member in order to meet new people within the chapter. They also recommend other sisters for the new members that match their personality and see who would be drawn to each other to create that special bond. 

From the little's perspective, there is as much nerves as there is exhilaration to find that natural relationship with a potential big. Jaclyn M., a new member of Kappa Delta, explained the moment she felt that special connection with her big, “I feel like I knew that I wanted her when I was having a hard night because I had a business calculus test in the morning. I was freaking out and she texted me ‘come down stairs to your dorm,’ and I came down stairs and she bought me this box of cookies…and at that moment I was like ‘oh my gosh.’” Everyone she met through the process made her feel special and cherished, but this extra step to make Jaclyn feel seen and loved made her realize that she wanted Joy to be her best friend and mentor. She wanted Joy to be her big.

Another member and potential big sister, Nikki M., explained how she came into the big little process hesitantly because a potential new member she connected really well with found a home in another chapter. Although, she remarked about how everything happens for a reason because when she met her little she knew that it was meant to be. Nikki describes,“I literally fell in love with her. I wanted to keep hanging out with her even when I had other buddies, I kept inviting her to stuff because I really enjoyed spending time with her.” 

This wonderful moment where both the big and the little know they want each other is seen across the board. Although, on the big’s side there is a little more work to find their little(s) and to create an amazing experience for them. From creative baskets to reveal, this process can be hard and expensive as the big’s formulate how to create a fun event for the littles. Emily C., a new big, remarks how “it’s a lot of work, but it's fun work. It's super exciting being able to make someone’s experience special, so while it is a lot it's very sweet. It's also fun going to the store with all your other friends who are taking a little and matching items to their personality.” 

While the big little process can be stressful, it is a memorable experience to connect older and newer sisters within the chapter. KD has created deep and meaningful relationships between their members that has made the experience worthwhile for big and little. Each member has found a lasting and loving relationship with the people they now get to call family, and the big and littles alike believe that this relationship will last a lifetime.  


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