Applying Read, Lead, Achieve

Writer: Shaina F. / Editor: Grace C. and Savannah T. / Photo Editor: Brooke F. / Photos submitted by chapter


Karianne B.’s college experience is defined by her involvement within Pi Beta Phi. Starting as early as her Freshman year, Karianne knew that she felt a connection with her Chapter and wished to be involved in any way that she could. Fall of that year, she joined the Philanthropy Committee and through that commitment, Karianne was able to bond with like minded women who felt just as passionately about her Chapter as she did. This sparked the initiative inside of her to  become Vice President of Philanthropy, and then later President.

Through her time on the Executive Board, Karianne focused her efforts into promoting support for  their philanthropy as well as expanding their philanthropic efforts. Pi Beta Phi’s national philanthropy aims to promote childhood literacy. At Florida State, the Chapter leads through a program called “Read>Lead>Achieve.” With this program, the Chapter women both promote book donations and volunteer at a local elementary school where they read with and read to young students.

When Karianne served as VP of Philanthropy, the Beta Chapter of Pi Beta Phi became the third most high fundraising Chapter in the nation. Through her position as VP of Philanthropy, Karianne also continued the traditions of their other philanthropies, ensuring the continuation of the childhood literacy project and volunteering at a local homeless shelter. Her dedication and love for the Chapter never went unnoticed by those around her, and even led her to become President.

Additionally, during her time as President she introduced a new connection to the Angel Tree Program with the Salvation Army, where Chapter women would sponsor an “angel” and complete their Christmas list. When asked to reflect on her time serving her Chapter, Karianne saw her positions as incomparable, “As VP of Philanthropy it was so specific. I knew exactly what to expect, I knew exactly what I was planning and what I had to get done. As President, you are putting out fires here and there. You never know what is going to come up.” Through her time as President, Karianne was also able to gather a more well-rounded view of the Chapter rather than only focusing on philanthropy. 


During her years of  involvement  with Pi Beta Phi, a focal point of Karianne’s memories lies with the skills that she has learned both for leadership and life. As she prepares for post-grad life, Karianne has begun the job interview process. She explains that the knowledge that she has gained through her Chapter roles has significantly influenced this momentous time in her life as she moves forward with interviews and searching for a job after graduation.


“Being president was like running a company. I have a region to report to, I have headquarters to report to, and I have local advisors. And then under the Presidency I have a Chapter of 250 women along with seven exec members and 17 directors that I oversee. It helped me learn how to be a leader.”

Not only did she learn valuable skills in leadership that enable her to form future connections, but Karianne feels that her time on the executive board has fully transformed her outlook on life and her way of living. Through her dedication and service, Karianne has both improved the Chapter of Pi Beta Phi, and the Chapter has improved her as well. Through her time serving on two executive boards, Karianne has learned leadership skills that have shaped her into the woman she is today. These experiences have become invaluable in her life.

“I learned to just live in the moment and be present,” says Karianne. “I’ve also started to just live in the moment and experience what I am doing right now. My time as President taught me not to take things for granted.”


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