Freshly Picked: Spring COB Blossoms

Writer: Emma M. / Editor: Savannah T. / Photographer: Celine C. / Photo Editor: Brooke F.

Fall recruitment showers bring spring flowers. Every spring semester brings a breath of fresh air to a sorority. Following the extravagant chaos of formal fall recruitment, the spring COB, continuous open bidding,  recruitment begins. But given the pandemic, everything still looks a little different. As opposed to last fall where it was entirely digital, spring recruitment in 2021 was a hybrid model. Some in-person masked events, some online experiences, and the outcome? A beautiful new spring class for 16 FSU sororities. 

Alpha Omicron Pi introduced 18 new faces to their family this past spring, and six of those fresh picks are Mallory A., Erin M., Maria G., Kim N., and Mara G.. From their perspective, recruitment in the Pandemic’s one-year birthday has had its ups and downs. But it has also opened up a door of opportunities, lifelong friends, and a sisterhood that means the world. 

The choice to rush spring was definitely an important one. It changes the amount of time in the sorority as well as the timing of when they would be “in.” New members Maria G., Kim N., and Mara G. found themselves making this decision due to the nature of the formal fall recruitment versus the informal spring rush experience. They all agreed that the spring schedule was much less stressful, and easier to navigate, in their opinions. 

Kim explained that “everyone says [spring] is much more relaxed than rushing in the fall just because it’s less formal and so you have more of a chance to meet the sisters and connect with them.” 

Maria specified that she chose to rush spring because she was a bit intimidated by the fall process, as well as the fact that following a virtual fall semester, she felt more ready to take it on in the spring! She said spring recruitment was perfect for her because she “got to work around her own schedule and truly connect with the other members of the sorority.” So, part of Maria’s reason was that she was trying to personally balance a digital semester first and then introduce the new sorority experience following that. 

Similarly, Erin made the executive decision to rush spring, so that amidst a pandemic and the major transition of starting college, she could adapt and get used to her new living space first. “I was thinking about rushing fall, but I decided to get adjusted to moving to Tallahassee and my first semester of classes.” 

What Erin also found was that during fall, she found herself longing for that sisterhood that she decided to postpone. “During fall semester, I found myself in my dorm a lot and being bored most of the time. I wanted to find ways to get out and meet new people so I figured joining a sorority would be a good decision.”

Erin, Maria, Mallory, and Mara all found that one of their driving forces behind joining the garden was in hopes of finding their “home away from home.” As Maria put it “I certainly feel like I have found a family where I am wanted, and I belong!” This is such a special feeling, and one like no other, especially when it is new.

Going beyond that, Maria described that feeling saying, “As I went through the process, I realized more and more how empowering it is to have a group of strong and successful women supporting you and lifting you up, something I had never experienced before this process.” 

Kim also felt this connection once she joined. As a third year transfer student, Kim explained, “I was a little anxious about rushing since I’m a new transfer student at FSU and I know most girls rush during their freshman year, but because of the pandemic it’s a little more difficult to make friends so I decided that I wanted to go through with it. I’m so glad that I did because I’ve already made so many great connections with the girls in Alpha Omicron Pi. Finding somewhere to belong in a new space, stepping out of the comfort of your own home and familiar faces is a difficult task, but often joining Greek life takes some of this weight off of your shoulders.”

These women made it a point that finding a family is not the only reason the new member class of AOII joined this semester. They also craved connecting more to their school. Sorority and Greek life as a whole have numerous opportunities for members to get involved. Maria saw Greek life as a “great stepping stone for getting involved in various volunteer, leadership, and recreational opportunities”, and she was not wrong. There are philanthropy events, community service opportunities, leadership opportunities, Greek-run organizations (like Philia!) and so much more. 

Even though spring recruitment was only a little over a month ago, these women have already begun to feel the so much more. Even down to the little things, they have felt they made the right choice 100%. Mallory said that she absolutely loves Alpha Omicron Pi so far. “All of the people I meet are so supportive and loving, and I never feel like I made the wrong choice. Just showing up to the house for lunch or to study, I have always felt welcomed and cared about. It is so insanely worth it to be in a sorority even right now, because even with social distancing and COVID-19 guidelines, the interactions you have with other sisters almost feels even more personal because of the effort and care that goes into making every event safe and comfortable for everyone.” 

Joining a sorority creates a space for individuals within them to return to at any given time. Whether that be to study, just grab a bite to eat, or even just stop by and fill up your water bottle, a sorority house is truly a home. It is somewhere you belong. Maria said that especially due to the fact our college experiences have all been or started so drastically different than “normal”, spring COB has been something that already has enriched her undergraduate career. “Joining a sorority has certainly pushed me way out of my comfort zone, but I am all the better for it. Especially as we are coming out of the pandemic-- sometimes it can be really hard to socialize, but this experience has helped me remember that by being genuinely yourself and putting yourself out there, the universe will reward you. Being a part of a sorority has proven to be a great way to make friends, network, and grow into a bigger and better version of myself. There is nothing quite like feeling the love of women supporting women!” 

Erin said she has already seen herself growing as a person by putting herself out there in ways she would not have believed she would be doing. She even admitted that she did not see herself in a sorority in the beginning, due to her introverted-ness and skepticism about the matching shirts and songs that come along with sorority life. She flipped that around however, and found it was beyond worth it to rush. “There is no harm in trying and if you find it doesn’t work out for you, at least you can tell yourself that you tried.” 

That is the mindset that Greek life is aiming to set. Pushing young adults to find the best versions of themselves, and in any situation, enabling them to at least try. AOII is giving these women the opportunity to push themselves and each other farther and for the better.

The pandemic does still hold some frustrations and limitations however, obviously. The spring and fall member classes for 2020 and 2021 have yet to feel what “real” recruitment is like. The music, celebration, chaos, a lot of it is missing from their first experiences and memories in their chapters. What is also not there is the complete and full access to other sisters. “It's definitely a bit harder to meet everyone during the pandemic, especially learning names with masks” says Mallory with a laugh. 

With that, Maria said that it “can be kind of frustrating trying to reach outside of your group and meet new people. Socializing and mingling at events is a little bit more difficult when everything is socially distanced, and the chapter is split up into smaller groups.” 

Both women however managed to turn their perspectives to the brighter side. Mallory explained that “as long as you put in the effort you will be able to meet sisters and make those connections. The COVID-19 precautions are for the best interests of everyone!” Mara kept it short and sweet- “COVID-19 won’t last forever and I’m still able to meet plenty of people even when COVID-19 is around.” If it is possible in the middle of a pandemic, to make these lifelong connections, then it can always be possible. Against all odds Panhellenic women will continue to form these meaningful and lifelong relationships.

Joining a sorority is always going to be about finding what is best for you, and that includes the timing.! You cannot plant seeds in the middle of fall and expect them to bloom in the dead of winter. Figuring out the perfect timing is crucial to every individual going through this process. 

If each one of these spring blooms from AOII could say something to the next round up of bouquets, the next potential new members for fall or spring, it would be:

From Mallory: For anyone thinking about rushing next year, I would say go for it! Taking the first step and getting involved is hard, but it will be so worth it in the end when you find your home and sisters! You will end up where you are supposed to be and have the best time ever! 

From Maria: There are always pros and cons to everything, and sometimes it is easy to focus on the things you think could go wrong, instead of what will probably go right. Don’t be afraid to be authentically yourself and to push yourself a little bit outside of your comfort zone, I promise you will find a family that welcomes you with wide open arms just for being you!

From Erin: During rush, I kept hearing the phrase “trust the process” and I just kept getting more and more frustrated every time I heard it! But now that the whole process is over with, I will seriously say trust the process and to be your complete self. Don’t be upset if it doesn't end up working out the way you want to because I promise everything will work out in the end even if it is not the way you planned!!

From Mara: Do it!! Find your fam and your friends! It’s only been a month and I am already in love!  I would say be yourself and be talkative. Keep an open mind and try your hardest to make a connection so they will remember you. 
From Kim: If you are thinking about rushing next year, I would say definitely go for it! It’s a great way to meet people and to be more involved. There’s so much to gain from joining a sorority and you grow in so many aspects!


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