Being a New Member’s First Friend

Author: Kyla M. Editor: Ariana W.

Jena R., Kappa Kappa Gamma’s New Member Experience Director, knew she wanted to help new members as soon as she had the chance. Her own experience showed her how overwhelming the process can be and she wanted to provide comfort for others during that time. She first got involved in working with new members when she served as a Recruitment Counselor, also known as Rho Gamma, during 2020 Formal Recruitment. From there she knew the new member process was a place she wanted to use her leadership skills.

 “I just remember being so confused as a new member,” Jena said. “That is an experience so many people can relate to. The most important thing for me is to be a stable and reliable person for new members during this time.” 

Last spring, Jena jumped into her role as New Member Experience Director with the new member class during Spring 2020 Informal Recruitment. Although the position remains the same as it has in the past, it looks different this semester as she is in charge of far more new members than before. 

“I went from having about 18 new members to having around 75 this fall,” Jena said. “At first glance, it was crazy to see all of those women there on Bid Day. Then I had to realize I was going to be in charge of them. It was pretty rewarding to see them there and know that I would get to be the person who would help them through the new member process.”

Jena meets with her new member class every Sunday. She offers an in-person and zoom option to ensure everyone can attend. A typical meeting involves other executive board members coming into share about the chapter and an overview of chapter history. 

“I feel like I’ve made the position my own by stressing that I do not want to be an intimidating person,” Jena said. “I want to be their first friend in the chapter. My goal is to be as approachable as I can, so that the new members feel they can come to me. This process can be uncomfortable at times so I want them to know they can get through it.”

 Beyond new member meetings, Jena is responsible for ensuring the new members have all the information they need to be successful in the chapter and working as a liaison between the council and the new members. She makes herself available to new members to provide as much information as she can. 

“Jenna has been there to answer any silly question I have had no matter how many times she has had to repeat herself and has helped reassure me in times where I became stressed,” new member Riley said. 

This year, the new members came to the chapter facility to spend the day for their new member retreat. This was a special opportunity because out-of-house sisters still have limited access to chapter facilities under COVID-19 guidelines. New members were greeted with a welcome party when they arrived and instructed to pick up a bandana. These bandanas were used to break the new members into teams. They used these teams to compete and work on team building activities. 

“The retreat gave everyone a chance to meet new people,” Jena said. “We did an activity called breaking boundaries which allowed us to get personal with each other and created an open conversation among the group.”

Beyond the fun activities, Jena hopes to encourage Kappa’s  new members to be active sisters. She hopes that they will take advantage of leadership and involvement opportunities both within the chapter and the campus. She hopes as new members move through this process and become initiated members of the chapter they learn the importance of respecting themselves, their sisters and the chapter that they represent.

 “It gets overwhelming at times,” Jena said. “But when I take a step back and look at everything that has happened I feel so rewarded to see their love for this chapter grow.” 


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