Guide 2 A Panhellenic Meeting

Writers: Bella B. & Isabelle B.

“I would say Panhellenic meetings are insightful because you're learning either about yourself, you're getting insight on the community, or you're making new friends,” Rachel W, says serving as Panhellenic Vice President of Programming.

There truly is no better way to feel the unity, inspiration, and beauty of the Panhellenic sisterhood than attending a Panhellenic meeting. The joyful buzz of conversations as sisters filter into the host chapter facility creates an atmosphere full of endless laughs, hugs, and smiles that linger in the air even after the meeting has ended. It is a wonderful opportunity for sisters to reconnect, new members with their Rho Gammas, friends from other chapters, and even more.

Cassie H., a member of Chi Omega, truly encapsulates the great value that Panhellenic meetings hold within our community. “These meetings give us the chance to come together to express our pride in our own chapters, as well as support and uplift philanthropies, events, and goals of each of the other 16 chapters. Despite our differences, the one thing we have in common is the authentic sisterhood we share through Panhellenic meetings.”

A typical meeting starts just like any other, the sound of the gavel silencing the engaged chatter. Just how each chapter has its own ritual at weekly chapter meetings, so does Panhellenic. The meeting is called to order by President Anabella C. and from there roll call takes place along with the recitation of the Panhellenic Creed. Such structure is what makes Panhellenic function as a collective unit. Community announcements begin shortly after. This highlights other campus organizations outside of Panhellenic, encouraging everyone to get more involved. For the Fall 2023 Semester's first Panhellenic meeting, two organizations: 1910 Honorary and Greek Goes Green, presented their club's initiatives.

Next, Junior Delegate of Chi Omega (the host chapter facility) Keely F. stands up and supplies insight into Chi O’s history, values, and goals for the future. This practice is meant to distinguish the hosting chapter and highlight their individuality. The last meeting’s minutes are then approved, and the agenda is adopted, commencing the beginning of further discussion.

Panhellenic’s VP of Community Affairs Rachel D. begins by speaking about different ways to become more involved in council relations. She urges the room to learn more about each of the four Greek councils we have on campus: NPHC (National Panhellenic Conference), MGC (Multicultural Greek Council), IFC (Interfraternity Council), and, Panhellenic. She further recommends that we, especially the new members, attend Market Wednesdays to bond with other members of the Greek community, and to especially watch the NPHC and MGC strolls, a special tradition that is deeply grounded within their organizations.

Olivia G., VP of Public Relations, then reminds everyone to stay up to date on all Panhellenic social media platforms. Current events, important dates, and special spotlights are all relayed via Instagram.

Rachel W., led an icebreaker about Panhellenic’s history through a Kahoot in order for everyone to get involved. She says, “My whole mantra for Panhellenic is I just want to build community.”

Dara C., Alpha Omicron Pi’s Panhellenic Delegate, builds onto that by saying to “…encourage new members to go to a Panhellenic meeting, [she] would tell them that there are so many ways to meet and talk to members of all 17 chapters. At each meeting, there is always a fun type of programming activity, whether it be trivia or workshops!”

Vice President of Membership Jackie M. provides an update on the success of this past formal recruitment process. The Rho Gammas received a personal shoutout not just from the VP, but the whole room filled with cheers and applause. 

“The [Panhellenic] community just comes together, and I feel like there's representation from every single chapter here. So, when you come, you're just there for each other,” comments Ravina P., Alpha Chi Omega’s Junior Panhellenic Delegate. Her words reflect Jackie's message of recruitment being a full team effort. The constant celebration of community at every Panhellenic meeting and event is a constant reminder of that. 

Brylee B., the Vice President of Panhellenic Affairs, then summons the process where each chapter Panhellenic delegate shares a highlight or upcoming event from their chapter!

One of the women who shared an update is Phi Mu’s own Marissa D. The delegate views her position as being a liaison between her own chapter and the FSL community. She remembers being in “awe” when attending her first Panhellenic meeting.

“I hope that the meetings are inspiring. Hopefully, members take away something from [the meetings] and can learn how to grow with the Panhellenic community and then help their chapter grow to become more involved with the Panhellenic community as well,” she says.

After the chapter representatives go around the table sharing their updates, Danielle W. shares a scholarship opportunity within her role as Vice President of Finance. She goes on to detail the requirements, and how women can apply!

Elisabeth W, the Vice President of Executive Affairs, follows by going over how to stay safe and cautious at fraternity tailgates through a fun but informative game! Resources like this are intentionally supplied at Panhellenic meetings and are just a small piece of what is accomplished. The bi-weekly meetings assist in bettering the community as a whole and holding chapter women accountable, beginning with members individually. 

As the meeting began to wind down, Anabella C. and the Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life Freddy J. led in giving lasting remarks and preparation for the next meeting. Just like the rest of the Executive Board, they speak to inspire the women that have attended,and  to instill confidence in them, so that they may further plant these seeds within their chapter and everyday life. Freddy concluded his portion of the meeting with an anecdote encompassing why this community is unlike any other. “If you sit around and wonder why we’re the best – look around you!” he said.

The meeting closes, just like any other, with Brag Time! A Panhellenic coined term, the women within the room give each other shoutouts for their accomplishments. This is many attendees' favorite part, as it truly displays the strong sense of unity and friendship. This last exercise embodies the importance of Panhellenic meetings; successful women listening to each other's successes and encouraging one another to remain unwavering. 


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