What 2 Pack for Recruitment

Writers: Bella B and Isabelle B

Recruitment truly incites a whirlwind of emotions from sisters and PNMs alike; It’s surreal, energetic, shocking, nerve-racking, overwhelming, and one of the most fun and enriching experiences all bundled into one week. Whether you are registered for recruitment, still thinking it over, or a Panhellenic member who remembers their recruitment like it was yesterday, beginning your Panhellenic journey is an exciting process! The recruitment experience is a beautiful and rewarding time for any woman; the process is all about feeling your best and being your fully authentic self.

With the recruitment registration deadline of July 31st, 2023, approaching, here are a few tips on what to bring along with you as you take on YOUR own recruitment!

  • Potential New Member (PNM) Bag 

This clear bag is supplied to you by Panhellenic, so don’t worry about bringing your own bag. Though the bag is required, it is super functional and helpful; the material allows you to find things quickly from the outside, ensuring you have everything ready for the day. It is also big enough to fit anything you need, yet light enough to not weigh you down while walking or running during your experience. 

  • Mini Portable Fan

Recruitment in August means brutal heat. Looking your best is all about feeling your best, so keep cool in between rounds or when waiting outside a facility with a small fan. Panhellenic community member Bailey serves as a Team Leader, and previously served as a Recruitment Counselor (Rho Gamma); now she guides her own group of Recruitment Counselors. With her experience, she says, “It’s important to feel your best so that you can be confident and the best version of yourself. [During] this week, it is crucial to take care of yourself.” 

  • Water Bottle

In relation to the heat, stay hydrated and prepared by bringing a reusable water bottle. Each chapter facility will provide jugs of ice water outside each day for you to keep yourself feeling ready (and steady)!

  • Nametag

Recruitment is all about discovering yourself, while making a lasting impression. Hannah, a member of the Panhellenic community who serves as a Team Leader and the Director of Recruitment, says “Listen to yourself and the conversations you share with the chapter women. These will be your sisters for not just four years but for life!” First impressions matter, so having your nametag on you at all times is crucial for any PNM. Besides, you want everyone to know your name (it makes introductions so much smoother). Losing this item will result in a strike, so keep it safe and close!

  • Sunglasses/eyeglasses 

 If you wear contacts, wear contacts. If you wear glasses, wear glasses. If you don’t wear either, maybe bring sunglasses to add an extra level of comfort for yourself.  

  • Mints

In case you think you need a quick refresher after eating, be prepared so you aren’t scrounging around to find one. Many Panhellenic women have especially noted that mints or Listerine tabs are much better than gum.  

  • Comfortable Shoes

Flats, a pair of flip flops, or whichever shoe you deem the most comfortable from your closet, make it easiest when walking from the various chapter facilities. It can also assist you in making sure your main focus in between rounds is safely getting to where you need to go. Recruitment is much more enjoyable when you are blister-free!

  • Personal Care Items

A lot of what has been outlined could fall under this category. Perhaps any medication, a portable charger, or just anything that can help you get through the day and feel your best! 

  • Hygiene Products

Preparation is the key to success, so make sure to pack your toiletries efficiently. Travel size deodorant, dry shampoo, feminine hygiene products, oil blotting sheets, and makeup (for touch-ups) are just a few popular items that recruiters recommend. 

  • Snacks 

There may be times when you are in a time crunch getting from one chapter facility to another. This can make it really hard to plan your meals accordingly later in the week. Packing a light, healthy snack, like a protein bar, will give you the much-needed energy between parties. 

  • Sunscreen

One day of recruitment can last anywhere from 8am to 8pm, depending on the PNM, meaning tons of exposure to the hot Florida sun. Be safe and pack body and face sunscreen, and make sure to reapply liberally. 

  • PNM Guide 

This booklet is supplied to you and encourages you to take notes on your feelings and thoughts as you visit each chapter. Jackie Myers is Panhellenic’s Vice President of Recruitment, who oversees all recruitment activities for every chapter. She says “genuinely, this experience is like no other, and [the recruitment staff and Panhellenic] want to see you succeed every step of the way.” Take a deeper look into your own values and feelings using this guide! 

  • Hair Ties

The Tallahassee heat and humidity are seriously no joke. Tying your hair up between parties will ensure that sweat will not ruin your freshly curled or straightened hair. You may also want to consider trying a trendy up-do for one of the rounds, like a slicked back look or high pony! 

  • Mini Umbrella

Florida weather is always unpredictable, and nothing is worse than getting poured on right before walking into a party. Pack an umbrella, rain poncho, or both, just to be safe!

  • Hand Sanitizer

While not entirely necessary, it is always good to play it safe. A lot of times throughout recruitment, you will not have access to a bathroom to wash your hands, so hand sanitizer would be the way to go. 

While this list may seem tedious, you know yourself best, so trust your instincts and pack what you think you may need. Additionally, refer back to the Panhellenic website and Canvas page, as these resources were created for your benefit! Dive deeper into what you need for a successful recruitment journey; self-doubt and stress will only bring the joy out of your experience.

Jackie, and the rest of the Panhellenic community altogether, wholeheartedly believe that recruitment is “magical. Realize that this is your time to shine. Take in every moment and realize that this is 10 days of YOUR LIFE. Recruitment is for YOU and allows you to grow into who you want to be not only today, but in the future.”


Guide 2 A Panhellenic Meeting


On the Green!