Shifting the Stigma Surrounding Standards

Writer: Emma H. / Editor and Graphic Designer: Savannah T. / Photographer: Brooke F.


As a member of Alpha Chi Omega, Gaby P. has always made an effort to be a supportive sister since joining in 2017. Gaby became involved in Alpha Chi’s standards board as a new member, and continued on as a sophomore representative, she now serves as the chapter’s VP of Standards for the 2020 term. The Standards Board is responsible for hearing cases, reviewing bylaws, serving confidentially, and applying appropriate sanctions. Although this specific position comes with responsibility that is not always easy to uphold, Gaby reports that this has been one of the best experiences of her life. 

“My job as VP of Standards is to ensure all sisters are adhering to the bylaws and to make sure that the bylaws are reviewed every year to help sisters further understand them. I also make sure to keep all sisters accountable to promote equality, build trust within our sisterhood, and overall strengthen our chapter,” says Gaby. These are not easy tasks and require someone who is fair, holds integrity, and seeks to cultivate an uplifting chapter culture. “This position has taught me so much about how I handle personal relationships and cultivate leadership skills I didn’t even know I had.” 

It is no secret that some sisters may be hesitant to join their chapter’s board of standards because of the stigma surrounding the position. The task of holding women accountable is not always the easiest; separating personal and chapter conversations can be challenging for many as well. However, both of these skills are required for great standards board members. Leading with care and understanding each woman’s individual circumstance has been the most important goal for Gaby as she carries out her position. 


Gaby believes accountability is all about the education pieces afterwards, rather than discipline. She has found that educating her chapter women on safe practices is what truly motivates the chapter to be better, rather than using fear and intimidation as a preventive measure for the unsafe and harmful actions. Educating the chapter on what is harmful and how they can prepare and avoid dangerous situations, has set her chapter up for success. 

Adapting to COVID-19 has been another unexpected aspect of her position. The main difference was switching to virtual standards meetings. This has posed a challenge because she believes sisters are more likely to open up and share their experiences in an in-person/sitdown setting. The confidentiality and intimacy of these meetings looks a little different over Zoom too. This makes it a little more difficult to get everyone to participate with full honesty and trust. These challenges have not stopped Gaby from seeking to create a space where all the women in her chapter can be understood and heard. Her dedication to this position and her sisters helps keep the women in her chapter motivated during these difficult times. 

Gaby’s advice to future VP of Standards is first that she is proud of them for running for this position. It is not an easy undertaking and she recognizes the courage it takes to run. Second, Gaby’s mindset for this position was to help change the stigma into something more helpful than daunting, and she believes that anyone interested in running should want to further that mission too. Creating a standards board that has the same vision is how the position will grow and listening and educating sisters on safety is the key to a successful standards board. Gaby’s final thought for the future VP of Standards is, “The more you try to be empathetic and caring, the more you will get out of this position.”


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