Sister Support Groups

Writer: Sarah M. / Editor and Graphic Designer: Savannah T. / Photos submitted by Chapter

One of the best parts about sisterhood is being there for each other throughout the hard times. Living through a global pandemic is not easy, everyone is struggling one way or another. The ladies of Chi Omega have taken matters into their own hands to try to make life a little brighter for their younger sisters. Seniors Emily S., AK J., and Emma H. are leading the Chi Omega Sister Support Group this semester, a support group where older sisters have the chance to mentor new members in the sorority.

The program was founded a few years ago under the New Member team to give further assistance to new members in Chi Omega. Being a new member can be daunting for anyone. It can be even more overwhelming when most of the semester events are virtual, and it is hard to form a connection with sisters. However, the Chi Omega Sister Support groups give new members an outlet to talk about everything new, unknown, and exciting that is happening in their lives. 

Emma explains that “the transition into college is not always easy and can be very challenging, but these groups offer additional support for our new members to make sure they feel extra comfortable within Chi Omega and at Florida State.” 

The program is so important now more than ever, as it gives new members a chance to meet sisters while following CDC guidelines. The new members are split into groups of 5 girls, and an older sister, typically a Junior or Senior, leads weekly discussions. The older sisters get to serve as a mentor to the new members for one semester. AK Jones, a senior who has been in Chi Omega for three years, refers to herself as “a “mom” to new members.” Often, the group gets close and keeps in touch even after the semester is over.


AK says, “we would meet at least once a week, whether this was eating dinner on Landis, getting pazookies at BJs, having cookies at an apartment, or laying out on the deck. It may have been a “requirement” to meet weekly, but it was something we all genuinely wanted to do and got so excited for our weekly meetings.” Senior Emily continues by saying, “sometimes, we would have to improvise and do Zoom meetings instead of meeting in person due to COVID-19, but we still found ways to bond.”

Some of the topics that are discussed include adjustment to FSU and Chi Omega, how to get involved in campus, and how their new member process is going. Emma says, “It’s cool because a lot of the time we didn’t end up discussing a certain topic but ended up just being real with each other and talking about life.” 

The sister support group program allows for growth and the opportunity to connect with sisters who may be a few years older than you. Sarnowiski continues to say, “It’s humbling to partner and walk-through life with girls as they start their Chi O experience, just as I am ending mine. It encourages me to reflect and appreciate what this chapter and experience have brought me.”

The best part about this program is that it is a cycle. Next fall new members will get assigned small group leaders, who are older sisters in Chi Omega. Year after year, girls have the chance to give back to a chapter that has given them so much.  The Chi Omega sister support group teaches us all that sisterhood is for life, and friendships can be made even at the most unexpected times.  


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