Spring Into Sisterhood

Author: Lauren B.  / Editor: Ariana W. / Photos: Chapter Provided

Located about 25 minutes away from Kappa Alpha Theta (Theta), lies Wakulla Springs, one of largest and deepest freshwater springs in the United States. Wakulla Springs is most well-known for its scenic beauty of towering pine trees, sky-blue water, and its diverse wildlife. One can even spot manatees there during the Spring and Summer months! This is why Theta’s Human Resources Director, Mackenzie K., chose the springs as the location for the chapter’s Spring 2023 Sisterhood Retreat. 

“I wanted to do something that everyone would like and that was a little different from what we usually do,” said Mackenzie. She worked with the manager of Wakulla State Park in order to coordinate the date and time of the event. Moreover, she also arranged the buses for the entire chapter in addition to specialized subs with snacks. While at Wakulla Springs, members got the opportunity to swim in the springs, lounge in the sun, jump off of platforms, play a variety of games, and simply enjoy each other’s company.  

Attendant Maya G. remembered, “One really exciting part was jumping off the high dock with one of my friends. It really gave me a rush of adrenaline, kind of like when you’re going down a big drop on a roller coaster, and it was just so refreshing to jump into the cool water.” Hannah K. agreed. “It was honestly the perfect ending to a busy week,” she explained. “The highlight of the retreat for me was being able to spend quality time with my sisters and get to know a lot of them more. During our time there, we were able to relax, unwind, and enjoy the beautiful scenery.” 

Although fun in the sun is always a plus, Sisterhood Retreats serve a greater purpose for promoting connection and a sense of belonging throughout a chapter. Between school, work, family, and extracurriculars, it’s easy to feel swept away and lose sight of even the things most important to someone. “Everyone’s schedules are so busy, but when we plan sisterhood events like this [Theta’s Sisterhood Retreat] it really sets a date and time where we can just hang out,” articulated Maya. “It’s not like it’s chapter or a meeting where there are things that need to get done; it simply just lets us spend more time getting to know each other.” 

For the women of Theta, the relationships they foster is more than just hanging out with friends; it’s about having an innate sense of unconditional inclusion in a group that uplifts and empowers each other to be the best version of themselves. As Mackenzie described, “Ever since I joined Theta, I have just met the most genuine and authentic women ever. It really goes so much deeper than just friendship, the constant support and love I receive from this entire chapter is something I am truly grateful for.” Hannah has had a similar experience with sisterhood and is grateful for the growth she’s been able to experience as a result. “While I've been in Theta, I’ve been introduced to the most empowering women who push me every day to become the best version of myself,” she disclosed. “I’ve grown into a better, more confident leader and have found my home away from home.” 

The sisterhood that the members of Kappa Alpha Theta praise does not happen overnight. It takes the dedication of a diverse group of women who take the time and energy to be there for each other. In this way, events such as Theta’s Spring 2023 Wakulla Springs Sisterhood Retreat are critical to give members the chance to reaffirm their connection to the chapter they are so passionate about and to experience the life-changing impact of sisterhood in a whole new way—all while having fun. 


On the Green!


Happy Birthday! Love, ADPi