Happy Birthday! Love, ADPi

Author: Bella B. / Editor: Ariana W. / Photos: Chapter Provided

Alpha Delta Pi (ADPi) works to strengthen their sisterhood in any way it can. From opening up the floor at chapter for community announcements and constructive feedback to hosting various events for all sisters to attend. This is especially seen at the chapter’s monthly birthday parties. 

Katie F., a sophomore who joined ADPi last fall and now serves as the Vice President of Event and Risk Management, says that their chapter always works to celebrate each other. “I feel like the birthday parties were a good route to go to when we kind of came up with the whole keep recruiting your own members.” They work to recruit their own members by focusing on everyone; these birthday parties are a universal celebration for anyone to feel special. 

The Birthday Party Committee led by the Chapter Facility Adviser, “Mama C” works to create a specialized dinner every month. With exciting treats like the birthday women’s favorite foods, decorations all over the basement, and various performances– the events are a known favorite among the chapter. “I think the birthday parties just really help you,” says Katie. “When you go to college and you're away from home normally people have special traditions…I feel like if you don't cry on your birthday it’s not a birthday; this is trying to steer that away.”

The whole chapter works to benefit each other and the sisterhood as a whole which is especially reflected through these events. For many women, attending any university is their first time away from home for a period of time. ADPi offers a chance to combat some of that homesickness by creating an intentional space to celebrate the little holidays, like birthdays. These birthday parties mean so much to the women of ADPi: they mean more than just a chance to dress up and eat cake. They symbolize just one of the ways that ADPis their home away from home.

Anna C., the Special Events Chair,  overlooks the committee and Birthday Parties themselves. She is responsible for coordinating the parties with the facility advisor, the events team, and the sisterhood team. “I think these parties help sisters feel seen because they give us a chance to celebrate everyone in the chapter.” 

Members from every side of the sisterhood, whether planning, attending, or a little bit of both, comment on how it creates a more united sisterhood. As well as building the chapter facility up to be a more centralized space, especially for newer members or those who just need it. Kristine K., a junior, commented that she joined ADPi, “because I felt like every girl I met made me feel like we’d already been friends for years! I felt super comfortable talking to everyone!” Previously serving as the Property Management Specialist, Kristine has experience assisting to facilitate the themed parties.“We try to pick a theme for each month that we do them and have food, desserts, fun decorations, and activities!” Some of these parties have been glow-in-the-dark themes with DJs all the way from Miami, pirate treasure-hunting themes, concerts with local bands playing, and more. The sisters of ADPi don’t want the birthday parties to stop!

Many members take great pride in their Birthday Party planning accomplishments. Mama C says, “They started out with a few decorations with ice cream and cake. I pretty much put them on by myself the first year I was here. The second year the women formed a committee to help with the planning and facilitating of the parties. Each party includes dinner, music, and a theme. I often make the Mansion Men [aka, Kitchen Staff] dress up in outfits that fit the theme.”

There has been a great turnout at every one of the birthday parties hosted. This has created a grand significance to the reason they are connected as sisters. All the members reflect a feeling of ease and excitement when speaking about these events specifically, and their chapter overall. While the Birthday Parties have taken a hiatus this past semester, the women the party committee is just getting started, and they know the tradition will last and unify them for years to come. 


Spring Into Sisterhood


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