Support the Cause, One Step at a Time!

Writer: Bella B. Editor: Grace C. Photographer: Abby W.

“It’s crazy to think that something we’ve been working on the entire school year and even over the summer is actually about to happen!” states Emily P., a junior who is a proud member of Alpha Gamma Delta, FSU Honors College, Surge FSU, and works two jobs while also serving on the Relay for Life executive board!

“I knew one of the clubs I wanted to join before I even got on campus was Relay for Life because I had been doing it since middle school, so when I went up to their table at the Involvement Fair during my very first week of school here they encouraged me to apply to be on the executive board because of my past experience with the organization. I was skeptical but I put in an application anyway, and they offered me a position… as the only freshman on exec!”

In her first year she served as Sponsorship Chair, handling a lot of the finances, her sophomore year she was appointed as Operations Chair and she is currently on the Board of Directors and serves as the Event Director! But her hard work and involvement with the organization didn’t just happen overnight or begin in Tallahassee. Emily recounts her time with the organization and says it all started when she was just a child when one of her mother's coworkers was on the board for the Relay event in her hometown, Venice, Florida.

“When I was younger she would always ask me to help out with small tasks, and then when I got to middle school I got to join her team and actually participate in the event. It was something I looked forward to every year and loved to participate in, so I knew I wanted to continue with Relay in high school as well as in college.”

With all she is involved in and the rankings she holds, she says her biggest advice to herself is to take everything one day at a time.

“I do really value my academics, so I will always prioritize homework and studying above anything else, but I also want to get the most out of my four years here at FSU,” Emily continues, “So I try to go to as many events and get as involved as possible. I try to start big projects or papers a week or two in advance so that I can work on them a little bit at a time… For small assignments and studying, I’ve found that conquering my to-do list one day at a time has really helped me to meet all of my deadlines without overwhelming myself, as well make the most of my time here!”

Over the years of her involvement, and even currently awaiting the start of her last year at FSU, she further states that with adjusting her schedule to make room for everything, a skill that has strengthened the most is “definitely confidence. I find that I’m much more willing to step outside of my comfort zone than ever before!” Emily further states that her time with Tallahassee’s Relay event has provided her with this growing skill, as a highlight of her freshman year was being relied on as a freshman on the executive board.

With the event quickly approaching, Emily says she’s “always been very hands-on from the participant side of things when it came to Relay, but I’ve never had this big of a role in putting together an actual Relay For Life main event before, so I’m so excited to see how it all comes together on April 2nd.”

The event will begin at noon and go until midnight on the IM Fields right by College Town, and everyone is welcome!

“Relay is such a great organization to get involved in because we fundraise and raise awareness for such an important cause, the American Cancer Society. Our efforts have impacted millions of individuals on their journeys with cancer, and hopefully, will one day lead to a cure. Not only is Relay For Life important because of our cause, but it’s a great way to build your leadership skills and make new friends! I encourage everyone to come by to learn about the traditions of our organization, fundraising for the American Cancer Society, and just have fun!”


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