The Sisters Around Us

Author: Isa C. / Editor: Ariana W. 

Initiation: (n) the action of beginning something.

Sisters have started one of the best chapters of their life, deciding to join a sisterhood and make everlasting friends and memories. One thing that bands all sisters together is the sacred act of initiation. Each year, Kappa Kappa Gamma (Kappa) holds ‘Initiation Week’ which is a week dedicated to integrating the spring COB new members into the chapter prior to their Initiation ceremony. On March 2, the soon-to-be initiated spring members of Kappa were honored at a celebratory dinner themed after Kappa’s most recognizable elements and decorated in their signature colors.

The Blue and Blue dinner is a new but prized event among Kappa’s membership, welcoming the upcoming initiated sisters to all the chapter has to offer. The dinner serves as a meeting place of new friends, connections, and memories that bonds the sisters through shared secrecy. At the dinner, the sisters share their best memories and reminisce on the true meaning of being a Kappa. Because this event is dedicated to the new members, the initiated sisters are encouraged to sit with the soon-to-be initiated sisters and tell their stories, allowing the new members to bond with those they haven’t met before. Savannah S., a junior, explained how the dinner is a unique part of the initiation process and how it touches not just the new members, but initiated sisters themselves. “The Blue and Blue dinner is different than other dinners because it is more focused on celebrating our sisterhood! More Kappas come and it creates more opportunities to speak with other sisters and build our bonds.”

With the introduction of the new members, this event gives them the ability to glance into their future at the chapter and get excited about all the events coming up during their initiation week. An integral part of this dinner as well is the opportunities it presents.  Cameron B., a sophomore, shares her experience with the dinner and how it has affected her. “The Blue and Blue dinner didn’t exist when I was a new member, but to see my little and g-little have ones makes me happy because we get to bond more during this week. I enjoy seeing the future PC’s to be able to bond and become closer with one another because at the end of the day, making lifelong friends is why we joined.” 

Anna L., explains her favorite part of the dinner and why it holds a special place in her heart. “Everyone always talks about their ‘why Kappa’,” she said, “and it was at that dinner when I realized that my ‘why Kappa’ is all those sisters that I am gaining by joining this sisterhood.” Sisters will cherish special memories like these forever, which is what makes this dinner so memorable. 

All Panhellenic women remember how they started in their respective chapters, whether they were intimidated, nervous, or just plain excited to start their new chapter on campus. The Blue and Blue dinner helps their new members along, integrating them into the chapter with a small nudge of socialization. It allows for the nervousness or shyness to partially melt away, revealing what the simple act of sitting next to someone new at a meal can accomplish.  When sisters reflect and share their ‘why’, it shows that everyone has their own reason for being involved. No matter the beginning, they all end with the same realization to dream boldly and live fully.


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