Tis the Season of Transitions!

By: Isabelle Bruty and Bella Bozied

As the Fall semester wraps up, so do many chapters’ leadership council roles. From working long days and nights, tirelessly leading new members, coordinating recruitment, and constructing philanthropy and social events, the women of the 2022-2023 Panhellenic Executive Board have truly outdone themselves. And as the holidays roll around, so does the neatly tied bow on top of it all; FSU’s Panhellenic Executive Board has now officially handed off their roles to the new respective officers. Change can be nerve-wracking, but maybe leadership transitions don’t have to be.

“Being in one chapter, and I'm sure everyone knows this, you make so many friends. You make so many personal relationships and connections. So, I love everything that I've been involved in within the Panhellenic community,” said Kalei P.

Kalei, a third year, will now serve as the Vice President of Membership, where she will conduct all that goes into Panhellenic Recruitment. Beginning as a member of CORE her freshman year, a Recruitment Counselor (Rho Gamma) the following year, and her consistent attendance at Panhellenic events, Kalei’s boundless love for Panhellenic has extended even beyond her own chapter and has only continued to grow throughout her years.  

CORE is a 5-week program, where new members are introduced to an interactive and social environment to learn what FSL and Panhellenic has to offer, and all they can offer in return. Being a Rho Gamma includes a semester-long course, leading up to directing potential new members through their individualized recruitment process.

When asked why she decided to apply for VP Membership, Kalei said, “I love living in ‘Rho Gam land.’”

She further highlights that she is, “Really excited to work again with [her] team, [her] directors and all of the team leaders. All of [them] and [their] passion for recruitment combined will make a very strong impact on the future potential new members and future members of our community.”

Kalei succeeds this past year’s VP of Membership, Jackie M., whose experience serving Panhellenic has deepened her appreciation for our collective sisterhood and community.

“My experience as VP of Membership was far more than just a position. It was LIFE-CHANGING! This experience allowed me to grow so much in just a year and gave me opportunities that have shaped me into who I am. I can confidently say it made me not only a better leader, but also a better person. It pushed me outside of my comfort zone in the best way and allowed me to create meaningful connections with the fellow leaders of FSL,” she said.

Jackie’s experience has allowed her to give back to a community that has already given her so much. In return, this leadership role taught her the importance of leading with grace, grit, and most importantly, authenticity.

When asked about the biggest piece of advice she could give to Kalei, she explains that, “During this position, yes, there is structure. But in many ways, she can make [the position] her own. Throughout this and any exec position, it is so important to keep being yourself and to give it your all. Have fun with these experiences because at the end of the day, this position is so much fun, and this opportunity is once in a lifetime. Take it all in! Because as soon as you know it, it will come to an end. Make meaningful friendships and connections with everyone you come in contact with. This position allows you to grow SO MUCH. Let this position allow you to grow who you are through the community you are building!”

Jackie’s heartfelt words truly are a key motivator for Kalei, as she begins her duties as the new VP.

“I am very lucky to have Jackie and I think that this position is kind of unique because we're working on stuff together right now,” Kalei said. “As she is about to leave the position and me just coming into the position, we're finalizing all of our recruitment counselors for the next year now.”

She expresses her gratitude for her predecessor, and the immense advice she has gained as well as the action they’ve already taken together. Kalei highlighted that another piece of advice she’s specifically remembered from her transition with Jackie was to never feel stuck, the great importance of following your own ideas and releasing the pressure of having to feel like things must always stay the same.

Kalei says her main goal within this position is to display, to everyone, an understanding that when it comes down to it, everyone in Panhellenic wants the same thing: to make connections and to be supported.

“Because of us joining this community, we all have a bigger sense of family,” she says. While we may all wear different letters, our intentions and hearts are all in the same place.  

Another position that has been wrapping up their transition is the Vice President of Public Relations. Em P., the newly slated VP, expresses great gratitude for her predecessor, Olivia G., and the help she has given her thus far. “This transition period has definitely been an adjustment so far, and I feel like all my resources have been helping me so much. Olivia has made this transition period so much easier for me. I know that I can reach out to her with any and all questions, and she is always willing to provide me with information and advice. She has been the best person to lean on while I adjust to this new position, and I am so grateful for all the help she has given me,” she said.

With any transition, it can almost feel like a sense of relief to inform someone of the things you wish you knew before heading into a leadership position. Olivia has worked to make sure to use their transition time to instill confidence within Em in this position. 

Olivia has provided some insight into her transitioning style with Em. “Showing someone how to dive into a role after you've been in it for an entire year, helping them out with all the little things that you've learned along the way, and how to start on the right foot has been really impactful,” she says. “Showing her the ropes and leading her in the direction to solidify her success within the position and on the Executive Board has been really rewarding.”

Each year, when this transition period hits, the previous and newly installed executive boards attend FSL Horizons. This is a meeting solely dedicated to transitions, communication, and general advice from all positions. It allows all leaders the time to connect with their predecessors and others who worked closely with the role that is now theirs. 

“It was definitely a transitional meeting, but it was a reflection period of growth, too.” Olivia further explains that it was an insightful experience to attend again, but this time, as a time to truly think back. 

“I truly hope the executive boards were able to walk away from the meeting and think about everything we mentioned and implement it in their own way!” Olivia concluded.

Elisabeth W and Abby W, the past and now present VP of Executive Affairs (VPEA), have also had a very successful and meaningful transition experience with one another. Elisabeth fondly reflects on her experience serving as VPEA this past year.

“My experience as VPEA was truly the greatest thing I could’ve done for myself and [it] strengthened my Panhellenic experience to be both enjoyable and enlightening. Through this experience, I have gained skills that will help me advance in my future career and has also given me the best of friends that will last outside of our terms. It’s truly the people that make this experience so worthwhile, as you are working with such like-minded individuals who all are passionate about improving the Panhellenic community,” she said.

Serving as a member of Panhellenic Exec is undoubtedly a difficult feat. Having the responsibility of managing and influencing an entire community can be extremely anxiety provoking. Elisabeth ultimately guides Abby in a way that will give her comfort and reassurance heading into this position.

“Being in such a high pace and high time-commitment position like this can be overwhelming at times, so it is important to prioritize yourself at the beginning to ensure you are taking care of yourself and setting boundaries early,” she said.

Like the rest of the new Panhellenic Executive Board, Abby, too, is grateful to have Elisabeth as an eager mentor and helpful friend.

Abby explains that, “The transition process has been going so well. Elisabeth has been such a great role model and has helped me every step of the way. It is a lot of information, but she breaks it down in a way that I can fully understand the position.”

It is no doubt that the Panhellenic community promotes a culture of helpfulness, selflessness, humility, and of course, unity. This transition process is just one example of the lasting sense of sisterhood we apply to our lives, our chapters, and the community as a whole. At the end of the day, the pulse of Panhellenic runs through each of these women, just as it did and always will through the previous officers.


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