“We are Women Building Strong Girls”

Writer: Ariana W. / Editors: Savannah T. / Photos submitted by chapter / Photos edited by Olivia E. / Graphic Designer: Savannah T.

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“We are Women Building Strong Girls” is the rallying mantra and philanthropic principle of Gamma Phi Beta. Here at Florida State University, this means partnering with The Big Bend Chapter of Girls on The Run. Girls on The Run is an after-school program dedicated to teaching a 24 lesson curriculum on building confidence in girls. The program focuses on teaching self-respect and healthy lifestyles through interactive activities to 3rd - 8th grade girls. Girls on The Run is a unique program that teaches girls as young as seven years old how to have a positive mindset and how to lead and adapt to the world around them. The outcome of the program’s efforts manifested in the several women in Gamma Phi Beta, including Amelie N. and Rachel B. who grew up participating in the program. 

These women now embrace the opportunity to interact with Girls on the Run as a philanthropic partner as college women in Gamma Phi Beta. For many women, including the philanthropy chair of Gamma Phi Beta, Zoe R. “who felt an instant connection to our philanthropy,” Girls on The Run was even a deciding factor to accept a bid to the chapter of Gamma Phi Beta. We spoke to the sisters of Gamma Phi Beta to learn more about their strong connection with their philanthropy.

Amelie, a first-year member of Gamma Phi Beta who grew up participating in the Girls on The Run program believes that the program is what taught her the confidence to be herself. She compared the supportive community from Girls on The Run to her experience in Gamma Phi Beta. Amelie elaborated saying, “This program established who I am today. In elementary school, I feel as if my ability to speak up for myself was diminished. After entering into this program I was taught lessons like ‘be who you want to be’ and ‘be confident in yourself’ and ‘do everything you can to be better.’ These lessons showed me that by supporting other girls you not only find community, but you become better.” 

Senior Gamma Phi Beta sister Rachel says that she distinctly remembers seeing Gamma Phi Beta women cheering her on at each of the 5k races she ran with the Tallahassee chapter of the program as a young girl. There were times in the race where she felt like giving up and walking, but hearing encouragement from older women gave her the push she needed to meet her goal of crossing the finish line. Rachel went on to explain that “When I think of a Panhellenic woman I think of the girl I needed when I was young. I think of the role models I looked up to. I think of my running buddies. This is why I think having Girls on The Run as our philanthropy is so important because I get to see my sisters be the role model I needed and looked up to when I was young.”

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Zoe describes the philanthropic passion that the women in the chapter feel for the Girls on The Run Program, “We are all so passionate about our philanthropy. It is not uncommon for a sister to say that building strong girls and Girls on The Run was something that stuck out to us as soon as we heard about it. It’s something we talk about all the time as a sorority. I feel like it is so important that so many of us have such a personal connection with philanthropy because we have a chapter right here in Tallahassee.” 

When looking back on the various roles that the women have fulfilled in efforts to support the local Girls on The Run program, the passion described by Zoe, Amelie, and Rachel becomes apparent. It is this empathetic connection that drives the women of Gamma Phi Beta to do everything they can to support the program that their sisters grew up with.


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