It’s Never Too Early To Go For It 

Writer: Anna C. 

Editor: Natalie D. and Grace C.

For most college freshmen, internships and “the real world” feel millions of years away. However, for Phi Mu’s Mia N., freshman year was the perfect year to apply for a prestigious internship with Seminole Sports Marketing. Mia, who is originally from Las Vegas, is passionate about the fan experience for Seminoles. At her internship, where she currently works with the FSU Women’s Volleyball Team, she assists Noles fans. Mia, herself a former volleyball player, also works behind the scenes with Spirit Rewards and establishes plans for marketing for the volleyball team. 

Her passion for sports marketing at FSU stems from a long-term love for the Seminoles, cultivated by her mother and aunt, who are both alumni. She lists watching the FSU football team bring home the national championship in 2013 with her mom and aunt by her side as one of her favorite memories. It seems only natural that this ambitious sophomore would pursue an internship to help others create similar memories at Noles sporting events. 

Mia says that while she was initially hesitant to pursue an internship after only being in college for around six months, her sorority sisters were supportive. An older sister named Faith, who has since graduated, helped her prepare her application and encouraged her to go for it despite being so young in her college career. The support of her sister was influential for Mia. She considers having a support system one of her favorite aspects of being a Panhellenic woman. Mia is also involved with her sorority, and serves as the Social Chair Assistant. She collaborates with Phi Mu’s Executive Board members and the Social Chair to plan and execute events for their sisters. These roles go hand in hand, according to Mia, because both entail working to create the best experience possible for her sisters and fans of Seminole Sports. 

Looking forward, Mia wants to deepen her involvement with Seminole Sports. After graduation, she wants to work in social media for a professional team. She considers that going through Recruitment as both an active sister and a Potential New Member are experiences that allowed her to become more confident. These experiences have fostered connections and meaningful conversations with others, which she feels will help her succeed in her future endeavors.

She notes that although sports are an up-and-coming industry for women, she is excited to launch her career in that field. Undeterred by the difficulties of breaking into the sports industry, Mia says, “when you put in the work, you get a better reward… more effort equals more benefits, meeting more people and more experience.”  She also carries this philosophy into sorority life, stating that she likes the saying “you get out what you put in” when it comes to her budding professional life and her life in the Panhellenic community. 

When asked if she has any advice for anyone looking to get more involved in the field or the Panhellenic community, she emphasizes that getting involved in any way you can is always a good first step. She points out that taking the risk on an internship or position could turn out to be a fantastic experience, you have to go after it, and you never know what could happen.


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