Joy and Jewlery

Author: Heather C.

Editor: Natalie D. and Grace C.

Savannah W., a new member of Sigma Delta Tau, brings creativity and style to the Panhellenic community. Savannah runs a jewelry business on Instagram called @savvystylessss. On the page, Savannah promotes her pieces and accepts custom orders through her direct message. 

Savannah created her business during the March 2020 quarantine. Between her boredom and love for DIY crafts, Savannah was inspired to create something meaningful. After scrolling through TikTok and seeing creators wearing expensive jewelry pieces, she thought to herself, “instead of spending 100 plus dollars on a necklace, why don’t I try to replicate it.” Since then, Savannah has referred to Michaels and Hobby Lobby as her “second homes.” What was once her quarantine-hobby is now a successful business. 

The focus of Savannah’s business is creating jewelry that is of excellent quality while still being affordable. From Instagram to TikTok to Pinterest to Depop, Savannah gets inspiration from everywhere. On social media, she looks for ways to rework other brands and ideas in innovative ways. She also gets inspiration from friends who ask her to create specific pieces for them. She learns how to execute new ideas by teaching herself from Youtube videos. After over a year of experience, Savannah explains how she can now “watch a five-minute Youtube video on how to make a necklace, and that is it.” 

Savannah started by making jewelry for her friends but has since expanded to selling them on her Instagram page, @savvystylessss. When asked to describe her brand in three words, she answered by characterizing her creations as “classy, edgy, and chic.” This balance between chic and edge is also described in her Instagram bio as “elegant streetwear.” Since being at FSU, Savannah has broadened the types of pieces she sells, such as specific styles for game days. In addition, she has started making jewelry with Greek letters on them. Although Savannah has just joined the Panhellenic community, she has already received many orders from Panhellenic women eager to wear their letters on her unique and fun designs.

Jewelry making is much more than a business to Savannah; creating her pieces is both a passion that brings her joy and a stress reliever. She explains how when she gets stressed out, she can “put on some music and string some beads” to relax. She also shares how having her own business has been amazing because she can have fun with it and be herself. “It has been a great way of expressing myself,” Savannah explains.

Savannah has sold over 100 necklaces in the past year, which she explains as a huge milestone. She describes how she has learned so many valuable lessons about business, people skills, and creativity by selling her work. She ponders how she might grow her business and shares that she would like to start making different types of jewelry, such as bracelets and rings. While Savannah has plans for expansion, she expresses that above all, she wishes to keep having fun


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